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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. 80hz is the home of thump. Your chest has a natural resonance around there. I don't think it is coincidence the harmonic of a low E is also living there.
  2. Thermoplastic beadstock. Painful to work with but persistence solves problems multivariate.
  3. If mixing and matching I am so far into the cetera zone it isn't funny. One cab I can leave outside a venue unattended with no concern anyone will flog it. It's not worth the trouble to sell. I was going to donate it to the community centre so I would have a cab there, but they did not want it.
  4. Ear cartilage keeps growing so you could find a new set needed.
  5. I use the Flare ones. Metal plus replaceable foam plug tips. They send you a starter pack so you find your size tip for future orders. They are fairly flat and a big step up from foam. They live on my key ring. Being never without is great. I expect the custom ACS would be even better. It's not uncommon for bassists in your position to go the route of a personal IEM mixer system with a room mic blend to your bass. It should be a better mix than what you get standing next to the drums.
  6. In the sense that it holds the air in, the driver in one place, and your amp up, too bloody right it is structural! Bonus points for keeping the outside world from breaking it. That's the bit it is not good at, because point loads.
  7. And how much do you want to pay? A BF cabinet could possibly be made for the same price if the internals were replaced by composites, but unlikely. It would be a phaff to do and be a whole lot more nasty fumes to have around the workshop. I'd charge more for the minimal up lightnessing for sure.
  8. Do a reverse Hendrix with it. I am sure Dad wouldn't mind.
  9. I never heard of any combo amp that couldn't get max volume just by turning the knobs. I suppose there could be a HPF ( high pass filter ) in the jam gizmo that is more effective than than the amp's own one. Is it letting you twist the knobs more?
  10. I hope your finger tip knows how important it is and grabs back on. Keep up the happy thoughts for best results. I wouldn't be rodgering it about by attempting to play in the meantime.
  11. Yep. If anything it might get less capable."Louder at low vol" could be like the "loudness" button on your parents' old stereo. Boosting the low end to account for lack of hearing sensitivity to lows at low volume would cause a problem for the combo at higher volume. What you need is a bigger amp.
  12. I think I probably posted about that earlier in this thread. One room blooms luscious bass so well the HPF has to go right up. Pack down and go to another room and it's insipid until HPF put back.
  13. Play about raising the HPF until it sounds like it is missing something. Back it off until it isn't. It's working. You should find that the bass control on the amp now behaves a little differently. You can bring it up with no ill effect instead of causing speaker to flap. It may be that an extra bit of HPF can work with significant bass boost to tailor a much more full low end.
  14. Well, you weren't trying to conquer Russia, I mean play with a band that is as loud as Paul's.
  15. I am surprised you haven't blown up your active monitor on the first try. Your B'ringer amp needs passive speakers. You can get hell loud vocals with a big enough set of cabinets. Mind you never plug the speaker outputs of your active mixer into anything, would be a good start on not blowing anything to hell. Two amplifiers pushing the same speaker only makes for silence and smoke.
  16. Bass and cello for the Can Can are mostly doubled an octave apart, and quite simple so an ideal intro to 5ths on a bass. Should just be enough to convince a bass 5ths wannabe to give it away.
  17. The pickup 'hears' it vibrating. What the pickup picks up from a solid body in the way of vibrations fed back to the strings isn't enough to be discernable in any test I have seen. Feel free to post one up. Or just keep.banging your acoustic drum.
  18. Again. A solid body instrument is not an acoustic instrument. Don't muddy the waters with your acoustic instruments. Simply put up a comparison of exotic solid body instruments with al the same setup of hardware. Or keep banging your acoustic drum.
  19. The comparison is between various solid bodies with the same pickups and hardware. And air with solid exo skeleton, no connection to the pickup. I couldn't pick any out for being significantly different in those videos. The materials are as disparate as concrete, lumber and air. Has anyone shown a discernable difference between two hardwoods with the same hardware? Put up or....
  20. Why would it not operate at 12 or 16ohm though?
  21. I would have assumed 2-8 meant two 8 ohm cabs could be connected.
  22. The only reason would be to use it to repel a stage invader, so the closest one I guess. If given a choice of nearby guitars, the pointiest one.
  23. Not a lot of fixing goes on with those. Could be more new than old after guts ripped out and replaced.
  24. There's a Euro joker on Talkbass who does it lefty on DB. Can't remember his handle. He plays in a lot of small bar folk combos.
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