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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. There's not much tone but a lot of power wrapped up in the lowest octave. Taking everything below 80Hz from the combo will let it play a lot louder. You don't need to crank the sub. If you employed a crossover you could have the combo thinned right out and the sub would fill it out. A three way crossover unit would let you set the mid/ low point way low. Send the 'mid' as your sub feed and it could do your 60 to 120hz for you.
  2. Perfect is the enemy of good. Piling up preamps can wind up hell muddy because they are processing all the previous dirt and mud as if it was clean. Drop A with low A string is likely to flub and flail even before it leaves the pickups. Putting a regular distortion on that is going to be mud city. If your cab sim is the usual low pass filter kind it shouldn't cause and issues. Focus on cleaning up the mud. I am a fan of crossover separation of low end rather than clean blend.
  3. Slacker only played 12000 notes! Dock his pay!
  4. I don't think the 12" B'ringer PA cab will do much for you. A decent powered sub would be much more viable. Send the fx loop out to the sub and the highs can come back from the sub via the fx return. If the sub is any good it will transform you.
  5. Is there no set of power amp line out / line in on the back of the amps to daisy them? Shirley? The way to deploy two of those cabs is stacked on their sides so the 10" speakers make a 4x10 in a vertical column. It won't take many watts to be LAF.
  6. This is how the BB800 started out, minus the Kickstarter element. I predict it will go the same way eventually, if not immediately with the simultaneous announcement of the full EQ version. Knobs at noon for actual flat response ideally.
  7. You would have sent the poor wee thing to cab heaven if anywhere near pushing that amp. Class D amps tend to put out a bit more than half the 4 ohm rating at 8 ohm. I think you would still have plenty of knob rotation capacity spare @12 ohm Ask Alex.
  8. Of course it is usable! By rights it will only need a slightly harder push from the amp to output a similar level to the One10. If it's a bigger cab it might even be a wash wrt knob position and same amp. What did you use with the One10?
  9. That's going to take half the power and put it through a cab that is twice as efficient. Probably close to the same in and out with the combo speaker as you get solo. You will be able to turn it up to about 4 on the loud knob with impunity. Keep using the earplugs.
  10. It would only be a problem with a really small amp and/or unrealistic expectations. 200w @4 ohm should make a big enough sound for someone considering a 110 gig I would think. If you put a 800w @ 4 amp on it you might get a couple more dB out of it before it was suffering. I think most people would rather take a bigger cab than run a little cab ten 10ths.
  11. The previous vids in his series compared tone of the original to the substutes. The 4x2 sounded just like the original. That's some exotic tonewood!
  12. There's been some very entertaining alternative materials used to refute "tonewood" where the pickups strings and preamps have been retained and body and neck materials substituted. Concrete Plastic Lump of 4x2. My personal favourite: air, where the strings were tensioner between two heavy benches and the pickups supported under.
  13. Can you smooth things over with G1 and leave W out of it forevermore? It seems W only came back in part time to Band B to poach G1 for his new project.
  14. I believe you now require supporting membership or must refrain from endorsing.
  15. Surely everyone will calm the hell down now that tracking shows the actual delivery.
  16. I heard a school trad rock ensemble group playing in the park. It sounded entirely novel to my ears. And very listenable. I was astonished. So there is hope.
  17. Once upon a time a renowned US bassist had some time to kill and he recorded tracks off a loop pedal. The all tube DI was his goto for putting in front of his stage Ampeg in lieu of a mic. He reckoned it was pukka Ampeg coming from the PA so long as they didn't mess with it. Up against the tube DI was a Sansamp VT. He EQ'd the Sansamp to sound just like the DI. Then he recorded the same loops through each with leveled signals. Only three quarters of those brave enough to try to discern the fake tubes from real tubes got it right. There was a 50/50 chance to get it right without even listening to the tracks! The bassist was no mathematician and persisted to claim 75% could tell real tubes from emulation. Statistically 75% is not very flash at all. Perhaps a real mathematician could say how flash. My intuitive maths: If you had an eight sided die and it was half ones and half twos you get 50% random. If you skillfully cover two ones with twos you get 75% twos. So 1/4 of the bassists who answered had actual skill in detecting tubes?
  18. Nah. You need the Compact for the in between size. You know, the one, slightly rowdy rehearsal with the drummer who gets excited. You could also get a wild hair on and take up jazz. You can't take a 310 without frightening the locals.
  19. The cab with the 8 ohm impedance could easily be much more sensitive. In that case you would have to use more amp power to get the same volume from the 4 ohm cab even though the knob position said otherwise. I once plugged in an old 15 and a 12 of the modern uber variety, both 8 ohm. Couldn't hear a peep out of the uber cab because of the sensitivity deficit.
  20. At least they now appear available at Kala US when they were not for the last three or four months. Hopefully they show up here sometime.
  21. Yeah. Tried all sources. Nobody had any in stock on click through. Tried your link. Clicked the shop locally link. Not in stock.
  22. Houston, I can't hear you. I think you should consider what you would have told the 20 year old you who was embarking on a gig with a 1x10 combo. Things have changed. The new tech is really something, but then you go and try to conquer Russia and find out the real story.
  23. Anything that can be played disco can be played funky. I once heard a cover band who played the whole set funky. You haven't lived until you heard The Beatles funkified.
  24. Where all the "vintage" ubassers at?
  25. Bill's subs are folded horns. Think brass tuba but made from plywood and one dimensional expansion instead of two. Like the brass tuba a vast amount of low frequency is generated from a relatively small engine compared to what the engine can do into free air. The driver is inside a spring chamber so it deliberately resonates but in a controlled manner in the passband. Woe if you try to make a frequency that is too low. It behaves the same as a regular ported sub would with the same driver. Uncontrolled flapping but not very audible back around multiple horn folds so no warning.
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