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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Usually it is one of two reasons and/or a conspiracy of sorts between the two. Guitards. Drummers. Guitar player wants to hear himself louder than everything else but with the cab down on the floor he is missing a lot of the screeching and howling great tone so cranks it. And/Or he's getting his tone from 50 or 100 watts worth of power tubes into 412. One way or the other he's tens of times louder than needs be if he just had one 12 and 5 or ten watts and aimed it at his own head with a mic to feed the PA. Drummers like to hear their kit and it is easy to make it hard to hear with a Marshall stack right by their right ear. So smash n bash becomes the order of the day with super large tight drum heads and massive cymbals. The feedback loop of drums and guitars makes for an argument over who started it and who is too too loudest. That's why I suggested having drummer balance with vocals before adding bass, then guitars.
  2. Somehow I posted in the wrong thread, Edit, and got the syntax all backwards and opposite ie wrong, now fixed!
  3. I can draw some more but the original became kindling when I sold the cab.
  4. This works when you have the power. Typical guitard will complain it guts the lows out of his precious tone. In actual fact this is the tone he is blasting into the room that is missing his ears when the cab is on the floor.
  5. If you are getting ringing that means you are sustaining damage every time you play with those guys. Must be stupid loud to do that through plugs. You best hop to getting your custom IEM molds made and get some over ear muffs to bolster the plugs in the meantime. See if you can get the guitards to stand opposite side of the room their rigs at next rehearsal. Start with the drummer and the vocals, add bass, then bring in guitars at sensible volume.
  6. Any cab pointed right at your head and just loud enough to hear should do the trick for when you are getting FOH bass. My double laminate corrugated cardboard fantastic wedge: Cab sits with tail on the floor. Weight of cab jams the wings in position thus making everything rock solid. Cost = zero save depriving the recyclers of some cardboard. If your cab has a slot port that's where to stow the 'wedge'. Make the folds down flat then cut down in one fell swoop so when spread out ot gives you a good slope. You can eye it in by spreading out your folded card next to the propped up cab and marking the low and high points then refolding flat and joining the dots with a straight cut.
  7. My 1518 is from Kaman SMX years, battleship grey diamond textured tolex, no red stripe, MDF, and Trace branded Celestion. 'Regular' size coil dust cover 3.5'' ? Iirc Gibson started using black tolex and then went back to green rat fur, with red stripes making a comeback somewhere in there. Before Kaman there were some Fane drivers in the mix but I think the 1153 came along with SMX series and Celestion complete with Trace branding.
  8. Edit turned into double post. Shagging forum upgrades.
  9. Give yourself a week to put together a band for the Jan gig before canceling. That gig is your trump card to recruit real players quickly. Singers and drummers are usually the hardest to find. I'd take a so so singer way before a dodgy drummer.
  10. That's plenty enough reason to give this 'band' away, even if he was on course and pleasant.
  11. There's going to be at least one with some spare time soon!
  12. There must be plenty of bands available in January. Better to let it go now when guitar hero shows zero inclination to fix his lack of appreciation of form. He isn't going to come around so you would be serving up trainwrecks if you persist.
  13. Not really. Outrage is a strong word. Why not back it up with some real numbers to clarify where you might start to get miffed?
  14. Hyperbole by lack of maths? I wouldn't be too interested in a gig that only paid 200 anyway. A 500 quid gig that they wanted 125 out of instead of 100 I might feel left out depending what else I had going on.
  15. For my money I would just put the Elf in a cupboard to damp the fan noise.
  16. Tonight I am jumping in and barely holding up my jazz end. The guy who was lined up for the gig turned out to be antivax and the bar won't let him in. I got the call on Tuesday night. The band is incredibly appreciative and don't seem to notice the bum note and clanger rate is awful. If there's any chin stroking going on it will be of the 'that ain't jazz' variety. They are probably going to tell me turn up. Troubling to me there's a cover charge on the door to keep out riffraff non real jazz fans and pay the band.
  17. That's a tough one. What's it worth as a going one? Needing fixing 3 times previously doesn't speak well for the repairs. You would have to wonder what else might be on the way out that isn't on the main board, but maybe nothing and they are correct that it will be better than new. £200 might be a good deal. Still a fair chunk of change. Other deal where they keep it and give you £100 off something you fancy?
  18. Orher way around. A lower number = higher sensitivity.
  19. Most of the last eighteen months has been incredibly difficult to navigate band practices. Plus
  20. What rock have you been living under? They would have had long enough between kickoff and the world going to hell in a handbasket to have done something but I can understand a project stalling out in the meantime. It's not fun. There's no gigs. The music isn't there. 2/3 is survivable but 0/0 = bail yesterday. You already gave it your best shot at getting guitar hero to act like a musician and he's still thinking he's the rockstar. There's no way to fire him without losing the singer. Try to hang onto the drummer.
  21. What are the cabs and drivers in them? If you're lucky you might have an option of rewiring the cabs to 16ohm each. Needs a strong amp for when you use the one cab but that's not uncommon.
  22. A joker doing a concert in a live music bar did it the best. Dude takes the stage. ''Good evening''....silence.... crowd settles down....silence.... crowd settles down some more...... silence... just one table still jibber jabbering.......................... actual silence. ''You done yet?'' Round of applause. Gig starts.
  23. Sorta. It didn't work. I pressed it again. It worked. Twice.
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