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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. A few years ago I got fed up with a particular 1 bar drum fill always being rushed and causing a giant hiccup. I decided to play only 1 and 3 over the fill and resume the walk on tempo. I only had to do that a couple or three times before the showoff fill got simplified to something he could keep his own time on.
  2. Tie it to your ankle with a bungy and scone the guitarist's shins with it when he turns up.
  3. True. It's also the first skill you want your drummer to have mastered! The adage goes ''It takes a very good drummer to be better than no drummer''. I play with a Russian Dragon. He is completely reliant on me to keep things steady.
  4. Everyone needs to stop conflating Rumble Filter with HPF. Same same DIFFERENT.
  5. The problem with capable adjustable HPF onboard amps is in the selling. The average bassist isn't well informed so when asking what the HPF knob does the sales guy says 'it cuts off low end' and the next words out of the shopper are 'show me something else'. Iirc the Thumpinator is -3dB at 30hz and a 12dB / octave slope, higher than fixed filters on amps but too low for what most HPF users are after. Ymmv.
  6. Afaik only a fraction of vintage stuff is without a rumble filter. Iow, all modern offerings have them. A highpass filer with a control knob is a whole different thing.
  7. Best invest in some good earplugs while you still have your hearing. I recommend Flare Audio, metal core / replaceable foam tip system. They come with a selection of tip sizes then you order packs of your size. If you go that way get the keychain carry case and never be without.
  8. Ordinarily Shape Button IN = Smiley EQ ENGAGED. Bedroom likes an extra dose of scoop the bejesus out of it?
  9. The only pedal I ever sold and had to buy another, wondering what the hell I was thinking when I sold the first one.
  10. I find the mashup genre twee when it's a case of finding any two or three or four songs with same chords and ramming them together. The only purpose appears to be to show off how clever the decomposers are. The Just a Gigolo / Sad and Lonely segue makes a point.
  11. The equation is: (Cost of bass + cost of shipping)× ( 1 plus local sales tax) + customs clearance fee. The variables are shipping fee and clearance fee.
  12. Capo's sometimes throw me because my ear is attuned to the shape of open chords played on the nut almost as much as the actual root.
  13. That is some nasty low end EQ for any speaker cab, even with the low compression engaged. The red slider should always be cut.
  14. When I flew to Japan with my bass they put a sticker on it ''Examined by Customs''. It was a cheap P impression. On return I went to peel off the sticker and it was utterly unpeelable despite appearing to be the cheap temporary kind. Careful as ye go.
  15. A Prunes & Custard [Harmonic Generator-Intermodular ] or Discombobulator for short, might spin your wheels with the chorus on top.
  16. I would hang onto the EQ for any backline provided gigs that have 'Fender EQ' amps.
  17. You would think that, but you'd be wrong.
  18. You pay VAT on the sum of the bass and the value of the shipping. You pay a flat fee for customs clearance. The 25% is for an average bass coming from an average EU place. An expensive bass from Calais will cost same as a cheaper bass from Estonia by the time you get it.
  19. Assume you are in UK and thinking of importing from EU? You can have it confiscated.
  20. Eh? It's not possible to rewire 8 to 4 or vice versa! Maybe they meant to say it's available for purchase as 4 ohm OR 8 ohm?
  21. You might like to ask Ashdown if the DI is isolated from phantom power before connecting it.
  22. Not really. Presumably you mean emergency as in your combo rig goes down hard. Might as well have some tone in your emergency DI.
  23. No loss then.
  24. Hang in there. I furnished most off my pedals out of the US. The first few sales were problematic to convince sellers of the ease of filling in a simple customs form and posting off like normal. Once the ball was rolling I had no problems pointing to previous easy dealings.
  25. You should hand in your 'I am a bassist I can read utilizing context to establish facts not in evidence card'.
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