New suffers from shipping from further away and customs clearance charges. The likes of Thomman have got their customs clearance down to the actual cost of someone ticking a box, and super deals on shipment. Being new there's only one lot of VAT. They are making sales.
All that goes out the window on used stuff brought in privately.
If you ever had a hankering to plug in a piezo Ubass you might like to be sure the 'regular' impedance is 1M or more. Older Ashdowns don't do sfa with mine.
With 4 ohm worth of cabbage my 250 SMX doesn't get above 2' on the output or it's drowning out the drum set. I imagine this one has hardly broken a sweat its entire life.
I wonder if they had to spend vast amounts of time on site deliberating on the tonal qualities of the 50 Becquerel piano vs the 30 next door before they chose one.
Earplugs help me hear myself on bass. Maybe that works with a sax in your gob?
If there's a mic stand in front of you it might be possible to do like the big band players with a perspex reflector to bounce bell sound back to you.
I once had a drunk chick, slim with requisite bumps, squat in front of me and put one leg back between mine so she could weasel up behind my bass while I am playing and 'dance' there. Talk about distracting!!!!
Not on your list:
Quilter BassBlock.
In the vein of overdriven tube amps, the variable master output level lets the input gain control act as an overdrive / quasi compressor. The difference to tube amps is the effect is available at all output levels not just balls out.
Old Kiwi made Jansen solid state amps do the same trick.
It's a CYA exercise.
There was a big discussion on Talkbass about it. As I recall it boiled down to:
The law only applies in California. Californians would have been unable to buy anything that hadn't passed muster. That didn't go down too well so they let out of state manufacturers have the disclaimers which of course had the Californian manufacturers crying foul so in the end the law became fully toothless.
Seems like overkill?
If I read it right the (monitor) light rig is the combo for when you leave the bigboy bass rig in the car and run with the full PA?
I think it's just way too expensive to prove there is harmless levels of residues to the satisfaction of the Californian gummint. A bit of extra ink on the label keeps everyone safe from lawsuits. What's a mystery to me is how come no Californian has sued the gummint for exposing them to all the toxins building up in warehouses and shops.
It's not that it can't work. It's just a lot of work to find out by trial and error and the odds aren't great.
What's the smallest GK combo that uses your driver? If that size works for you, trial back on...