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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Typical for a flatter than a flat thing but not typical.
  2. 0.3mm or 3mm? 0.3mm is pretty much flatter than a flat thing! Then 2.5mm of action is just a bit ambitious. Making it flatter still won't help. If 3mm of relief then 2.5mm of action does not compute.
  3. I spoke too soon. This just keeps giving, over and over. I could have sworn I heard a dark voice telling me I need something harder.
  4. Bizzare. No further instances have occurred since last week when I was seeing it left and right for a few hours.
  5. I would call that the only way to set the action. 1 Set Relief. 2 Set Saddle Heights. Job done.
  6. SoundCloud is handy for this kind of thing. It opens up direct in the forum page like YouTube.
  7. A credit card with the strings fretted at both ends, but I sold it in a fit of reductionism.
  8. Dunno, but this was big news some years ago: https://www.wired.com/2008/07/new-youtube-aud/
  9. Consumers deciding between otherwise equal offerings lead spreadsheet manglers by the nose straight to the door labeled 'cheapest good components'.
  10. You should be able to scribe the centre line of your notches to the nearest 0.1mm if careful. Practice elsewhere on the ruler first. Doing that before setting to with the files will aid massively in keeping the divot where you want it.
  11. Amen. An outdoor gig a couple or three years ago... secret sauce pedal into Trace SMX head. Local minstrel wanders up: ''righteous bass tone bro!". A concert gig last year... different basses, same pedal, into completely different rig. Soundman: ''best bass tone ever dude''. Rehearsal where my cab ended up behind the drummer for a change, so he got a good earful. ''Jeez that sounds good, why don't you make it sound like that all the time?". ''Same secret sauce as ever!''. He likes to park me on top of the piano at our other gig, to keep the pianist from straying too far from the beat, and misses out on bass tones. On all the gigs I have dragged along the tubes for my enjoyment I never had anyone weigh in on the righteous tones nearly the same. More fool me? Nah.
  12. YouTube is very compressed!
  13. One of those got provided on a festival gig I did last year. 18 piece jazz orchestra, no problem at all. Surprised the heck out of me. I was looking for the DI when it was our turn. No FOH bass, all coming from the little combo!
  14. Unless you are playing very aggressively you won't notice a compressor. That is until it's flattening your dynamics, which you most likely wouldn't like with your melodic playing.
  15. If it has multiple taps and they are labeled 4 and 2 ohm then it will be stressed driving 8 ohms. The transformer takes the humungous voltage of the output tubes at low current down to speaker level voltage with much higher current. Putting a higher than expected impedance onto the speaker side of the transformer stuffs up the balancing act. I believe the tubes wind up operating a higher than desirable voltage on that side of the transformer.
  16. Some valve amps don't drive all out into 8ohm loads without burning up valves and toasting transformers. BB2 isn't terribly sensitive to watts. Taking a buttload of power and getting very loud is a different ball game.
  17. Practice amps don't count!
  18. Hands up all here with less than 3 serviceable amps on hand.
  19. I find the Flare Audio plugs vastly more comfortable than the Etymotic ones I used previously, as in zero aggravation from the Flare foam tips.
  20. It's not the couriering but the Customs forms that have to be tee'd up. With DHL they are on auto pilot. With anyone else it will have to be done manually.
  21. The problem I have is each iteration of whizzkids comes along and they each want to throw away the stuff I have learned to get along with and put all the buttons in new places and nix my perfectly useful programmes. They do this to ensure themselves jobs for life for them and their kind.
  22. I am with you, even though I do have plenty of life left. Beware that an accidental click on those header buttons can send you right back to oblivion. The big orange logo right at the top gets me home again from time to time.
  23. Trace Transit B for you. All the tricks in one box.
  24. Thomann used to do Traynor. I expect they should have UK based warranty support by now.
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