An outdoor gig a couple or three years ago... secret sauce pedal into Trace SMX head. Local minstrel wanders up: ''righteous bass tone bro!".
A concert gig last year... different basses, same pedal, into completely different rig. Soundman: ''best bass tone ever dude''.
Rehearsal where my cab ended up behind the drummer for a change, so he got a good earful. ''Jeez that sounds good, why don't you make it sound like that all the time?". ''Same secret sauce as ever!''. He likes to park me on top of the piano at our other gig, to keep the pianist from straying too far from the beat, and misses out on bass tones.
On all the gigs I have dragged along the tubes for my enjoyment I never had anyone weigh in on the righteous tones nearly the same. More fool me? Nah.