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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Afaik Orange use the Fender standard 3 band EQ 'control' which is more or less flat at 2 bass, 10 mids, 2 treble. That being the case you should start there and see how the Stingray works for you in tweaking for tunes. For the room I would add an EQ pedal on the Orange. Obviously not needed for the Trace. I would definitely put a HPF in there for maximum utility of your bass knobs. Even my Trace gains booty utility from a steep HPF at 50 to 60 hz.
  2. Way to chuck the baby out with the bathwater! The DHL options will make the re import paperwork straightforward for them. Sending through the regular post would make them jump a whole extra set of hoops in order to not lose out big time on VAT. Too bad for anyone that simply changes their mind. The way I see it Thomman goes out of their way to continue to do business with the U.K. They do well to maintain competitive pricing and service across the border. Your loss if you abandon them.
  3. Sorry, I searched as best I could for the other instances but Search isn't what it could be either.
  4. What error can occur? All I do is hit quote button, reply window opens up automatically. Ordinarily the quote would be the post I reacted to and attributed correctly. In the previous 24 hours that did not happen. Someone attempting to quote my reaction wound up attributing the original to me. I put that down to sloppy editing error. But then I noticed other posters had done exactly same thing all over the show. Then it happened to me. So I put up the bug notice. Don't tell me there was no bug!
  5. Two times I have been fully at the mercy of stage monitors. Both flusterclucks. Gimme a bass amp if I can't have my own!
  6. Javier to his mother, Chuck to his friends.
  7. Yerp. Android phone browser, about three years old. Worked as advertised until yesterday morning when I noticed I had been misattributed overnight.
  8. The quotes function has developed a fail. Instead of nesting quotes or deleting the starter quote it attributes the original quote to the latest poster and places that at the start.
  9. @Bigwanhas schematic. A few have reported very reasonable charges from Orange to repair their broken Terrors.
  10. No problem. Half of the weight goes direct to the floor. The rest is distributed very evenly along a couple of ft of stable corrugated construction.
  11. I think it's tech time now. Unless the DI comes out before some part of the tube preamp that's faulty you wouldn't be getting a good DI signal. Suggests the tubes aren't the problem but you could probably find the schematic to get a clue. If someone in your area could lend you a BDDI, the 'line level' is enough to get the lion's share of output via fx return ime.
  12. Frequently both. On backline supplied gigs I send my preamp to FOH.
  13. £0 from a skip near you.
  14. Yes. Ideally something with a hot output like a BDDI. It won't be loud without a full on line level but if you get a staticcy mushy quiet mess it's a good sign the output stage is shagged.
  15. What was playing on the jukebox?
  16. Make the folds then slice across at the slope. The developed w supports the cab at the front while the cab rear sits on the floor.
  17. If you plug the fx unit into the Orange fx return it be driving into the power stage direct. If you don't get some decent volume you will know it's the power stage not doing the thing.
  18. Do those same builders wax lyrical on the tone of paint finishes?
  19. Do those same builders wax lyrical on the tone of paint finishes?
  20. Do those same builders wax lyrical on the tone of paint finishes?
  21. An acoustic guitar with a mag pickup in the sound hole sounds pretty much like a Stat also.
  22. Putting a note in the monthly newsletter calling for players doesn't make one a band leader.
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