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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. I suspect you must have rather more hearing loss in one ear than the other.
  2. I didn't know he had got UK distribution going. Usually that would seal the deal. Having a look around they have gone global! The NZ chains have them and Paul has retired to his shed to solder and test by the looks of it. 289NZD retail here. 200 quid sounds like too many layers. That's ~400 NZD. Paul is an old man already already so you better hop to it before he retires to the big stage in the sky.
  3. The MD actually encouraged me to let rip and right note be damned when I joined the band.
  4. If you want Prunes and Custard sounds you want a Prunes & Custard pedal. It's not like they are expensive! Mr Crowther will happily mail you one.
  5. Cab in corner is a massive boost to the low end. I did a small show with my 6'' practice amp in the corner!
  6. I brought my own backline to a festival once not knowing what was to be provided. As it turned out there was no backline provided! Imagine my surprise when my mic'd 210 was completely drowned out by the 215 plus horn monitor on the other side of the drummer! At least it sounded the same, but LOUD! Drummer got that turned down but there was a bunch of other monitors all over and the 'soundcrew' spent the rest of the gig asking me to turn down as the stage bass was ruining the FOH. Tragic.
  7. All good if the monitors are pro but so often they are anything but and the stage rig is your lifeline.
  8. Yep. Hopefully 1 plus 1 equals 2 with regard to the cabs sounding good together. If you get a real bollox of a low end it will be a gross +- polarity difference. Unlikely, but easy fix. The rest is down to serendipity for the mids to match up nicely. When I was running oddball cabs they sounded good enough together. A couple of times I went above and beyond to fully crossover biamp them high low and there was a distinct improvement in fidelity. It wasn't a big enough improvement to justify all the extra gear cartage. The takeaway was phase reproduction differences between cabs is a real thing.
  9. Yuk! Might just be needing a better tube in it at that rate.
  10. Cranking stuff always loses me. No need to crank it though. If the good stuff comes on nice and gradual and moderating the plucking goes from just warmed to a bit growly then it's a keeper.
  11. A soundman that refuses to audition the send from a Helix is not a soundman. If he insists on going bass to DI first then all is lost unless you want to 'kick up a fuss' by insisting on them having a listen.
  12. Do you ''tune'' it a bit flat and bend like mad or put up with ET when it's a bit sharp?
  13. Anything that isn't a highbrow jazz concert then?
  14. This. I suspect a lack of heft with the MB is a case of VLE filter application fail. Get a HPF instead.
  15. Possibly. I grew up playing violin and not many kids seemed to have the inclination to intonate. The early years were hard going. It's a lot harder to play a violin in tune if you ask me. If I picked up a violin today it would not be pretty! Anyways, give it a lash, you might jump right into it, or not. Good thing I proof read the autocorrect. Also, every bass I ever bought used needed intonating. Some just to get 7th fret acceptable. Yet I don't hear basses on stage that need the screwdriver, stat! Could be only bedroom players selling basses on Trademe but unlikely. The takeaway is there is a bit of leeway between close enough for jazz to close enough to spot on to spot on.
  16. NZ has a site called Eventfinder. It isn't at all fussy about what gets posted up as an event. Loads of bars put their entire DJ band and jam / open mic sessions on. Assume there's something similar operating in UK. If so, it's likely very searchable by location date and key words. Ime if you are quick on the uptake it's easy to be the only bassist sitting in all night. Always ask someone new if they want bass. The more you do it the more songs you never knew you know without dropping too many clams.
  17. Or a 10ft hard ceiling hard floor combo. Or an acoustic guitar on stage. Best not kick it off with a boomy cab for starters.
  18. Need to find out from OP if this is the case, because it sure looks likely! Once more for the cheap seats, parallel 8+4 = 2.6 in ohm maths. 99.999% of amps out there have parallel outputs. Series would be either 8 + 8 = 16 ohm Or 8 + 4 = 12 ohm. Solid state amp would put out the max volts but achieve relatively little power which means less current and less heating potential. A bit like it's hard to bust your boiler pushing against a brick wall but pushing a car will do it. Again, nearly all amps are parallel out meaning you need a special cable set to get the cabs into series.
  19. A HPF (high pass fiter ) can make the bass control very much more useful.
  20. If it's the Genz neoX it's a bargain and not all that heavy. People do blow them up if they put silly big amps on them and rely on knob positions to tell them what the limit is.
  21. A town near you.
  22. If I was 12000 miles closer maybe.. Just the right amount of jagged edges.
  23. True. Not sure if it's posts or days that gets you the key to the pantry.
  24. My very first, and only bass rig for a very long time, came with a thing of wonder, a heavy 1/4" speaker cable. It is still the only one of those I own! One time the guy I played a lot of open mics with calls me in a panic. ''Can you do the PA for tonight?" Half of his gear got left in another guy's car and he was out of town. So not having had my gear out in a long time I get a mental checklist going for what to bring to get out of his mixer to my stuff and have bass and guitar and vox out from what is accessible in the garage. 'No worries''. Get there and plugging it all in and almost done but I am one 1/4" speaker cable short, AARRRRRG! ''What's the problem'' ''Missing the speaker cable'' ''Oh'', helpfully wanders to the dwindled pile of spare leads which are not speaker leads in any way shape or form. The star of the show has my speaker lead sticking out of his guitar.
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