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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Not sure if the fx send of your Trace will do parallel out but the tuner out will. If you get a dropout of your low end it is usually caused by preamps outputting on opposite phase. Or one of the cabs wired in reverse. Before you get too far along you should probably battery test them for polarity. + on the tip of jack lead makes speaker cone jump outwards. Other possibility with Trace is the fx loop on some can be set to run without any lows in it ''high pass'', don't want that.
  2. A NZ bank ( not many of those as they are mainly foreign owned ) just got fined heavily for failing to comply with the anti money laundering provisions. I guess the fact that in the interim they had become compliant might have saved them from being assimilated.
  3. Then typographically webservers have been wrong for as long as bass forums have existed! Us dinosaurs of bass wish to maintain our familiar incorrectness! 210 isn't 20 anyway, it's a bass cabinet with 2#10" speakers in it. Wanna know what's really weird about this? The quote preview box of your post shows it 'correctly' !!
  4. Nuts. I Tried 2xx10 then editing it, which left the sole x on the bottom, but saving it bumped it up.
  5. There are more tones than what can be had from a P bass. Some are content with just that world, as you were for a long time. Some people would have you run back to that world. Up to you really how much time you spend pushing the fence out seeking pleasing tones and how much you spend practicing with the tones you have.
  6. Unplug the other stuff!? Set aside 15 minutes for experimenting with stuff and practice the rest? The Chinese just announced playing computer games is limited to 1 hour per day. Make like a Chinese student?
  7. And I acknowledged it fell outside of the general rule of rock what ya got!
  8. Heavy on the -ish. Nice jazz break in the middle! Industrial dub grind jazzcore? I didn't say nobody metals on an EUB. Whatever spins your wheels is fine by me. I play all sorts on my own EUB without compunction but I would not choose one for metal if I was leaning that way. Hard work getting around it with the required attack. Hard to get accepted into a band. If I had shown up with a BC Rich pointy thing they would have given my job to someone else. Pretty simple concept. Within reason you can play any bass on any gig and get away with it. But would you really want to?
  9. Outlandish exceptions say very little.about the rule. How many bass guitars do you see in symphony orchestras? Did you ever see an upright metal bassist in your local? Nevemind.
  10. The old gotta be by far the loudest mofo in the room syndrome will never die. Those guys will sandbag the IEM soundcheck.
  11. Looks like if you wanted to be stupid loud you could run your preamp into it and power out full range to a proper BB with the horn, and Bob would be your big hairy bottomed Auntie?
  12. ''All seemed fine" = no speakon polarity issue. Surge in volume tells you no problem with speakers at least. Mucking around with preamp kicking off the surge says probable dud cable there anywhere between bass and amp. It's either that or you futzed your Helix settings somewhere along the line.
  13. Try playing metal lines on a EUB and get back to me. Then I'll ask you to audition for half a dozen metal bands and see how far you get.
  14. Pretty much, but some practicalities and bowing to sensitivities will always prevail. I wouldn't turn up with anything 'pointy metal' on my jazz gigs. You won't see too many EUB's on metal shows. Some Country band leaders won't accept anything other than a P bass strung with flats and sporting a tort pickguard, and no shell pink! But in general, 'rock what ya got' is a good maxim.
  15. I don't know that the Feel is quite there yet
  16. Fashion.
  17. Rare birds your guitarists!
  18. 4 ohm Trace cabs are rare. He got them after advertising here so pretty sure they're standard 8 ohms unless modded.
  19. Might be the only one in this thread qualified to wield a drill or saw.
  20. Ashdown are good guys. You might find the schematic attached on the server at Talkbass in one of the Team Trace threads. Sometimes they misspell Elliot with two tt and one l.
  21. Were your 210 cabs together on the floor / stacked flat: O O O O or stacked tall: O O O O????? One time I sat in on a pub gig with some guys that usually had the drummer's girlfriend on bass. She was unavailable but her rig was in the van and I happened to have a bass with me. Halfway through the gig and I must have turned up mids two or three times as well as some volume. Still can't hardly hear myself and it's LOUD. I go out front and I am way way louder than needed but I can hear myself. Thanks for nuttin' 410 shishkebab dispersion.
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