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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. You can keep your 1% beer!
  2. Your boom problem with Handbox and Helix sounds like a failure to adjust to the room. 'Boom' usually lives in your lower mids as a floor ceiling resonance or deeper as a wall to wall one. If you are good with the mental arithmetic you can figure it out by knowing the speed of sound and the 1st resonance is where the distance is half the wavelength. V=f.L solve for speed of sound V, frequency f, wavelength is twice distance. 1100ft/sec= freq. X 2D Sometimes it's the acoustic guitar booming away and everyone is looking daggers at you because most of the bass frequency energy is actually in the next octave above the 'piano' fundamental note. The guitar is there too with his fundamentals.
  3. You left fingers off the top of the list. Fingers plus a touch sensitive overdrive is my nirvana when overdriven tones are allowed.
  4. Bars get away with blue murder here on account of no official recognition of 'pint' any more. A pint can be any somewhat larger glass/mug/thimble they say is a 'pint'.
  5. Don't forget the leap seconds they add every now and then to keep the atomic clocks in sync with the sun.
  6. Most amps can be bypassed straight into the fx return. If your pedal setup has a line(ish) level output and a noise free DI, that's one way of getting more control of what's coming out.
  7. That's all there is to it in a nutshell. The rest is marketing.
  8. If you read it carefully it says only businesses require one but they don't make a point of it.
  9. I am in lockdown so plenty of free time to edit stuff if you like.
  10. If you follow the appropriate links from the helpful post above yours you land on that page! Suck it up buttercup, you're dealing with a beaurocratic hydra but c'est la vie. Once you have printed off your OPR you have chopped its nuts off and it will comply.
  11. Would it not be more productive to do it in here and edit the OP into a comprehensive guide?
  12. From another of the links: ''Did you export this under Outward Processing Relief? OPR is usually used for the export of items for repair which will be returned after repair. If OPR has been used then there will not be a problem with re-importing the goods free of import duty and tax. If a fee has been charged for the repair then duty and tax will be payable on this value.'' Pretty much sums up what to do at your end to get it away. Get the OPR. Then your reimportation should be a matter of them quoting the OPR on the other end docket along with detailed notes of your payments for repair and shipping. Check with the repair people.
  13. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/using-outward-processing-to-process-or-repair-your-goods ain't duckduckgogo grand.
  14. I take issue with a 100w combo not being gig worthy. Only after I was stunned by one doing the job last year. Definitely loud enough to be too loud in a pub Bugera '1000w' is old news.
  15. Keywords: ''as possible''. There is only so much vaccine coming our way each month. Bookings for first jabs were out to late Sep by this afternoon. At the rate the Delta spreads we would have everyone infected by then if we just carried on like normal. Plan is the snap lockdown takes us back down to zero in a week or so with more livable restrictions ongoing until we are sure it's gone again.
  16. One case yesterday. 9 more today.....likely 100 tomorrow based on party people partying unaware....1000 in another 2 to 3 days. Then we find out if we caught it in time by locking down with the 1. That's the logic.
  17. Sure. It might even help you if you miss something!
  18. Before you get too carried away with making connections you need to find the impedance of your cabs!!!! If they are 4 ohm you can't have any more than one. The only cabs I have seen without a link jack are 4 ohm. The single jack suits well for not blowing up amps in a fit of enthusiasm.
  19. Stacking two BF 210's the traditional 410 way turns them into a BF410. Stacking them in the tall tower per Bill with the two full range drivers in the middle also valid.
  20. You probably had the ''loudness'' button toggled on. I was playing violin at the time so the twiddly keyboard part caught my ear. Listening to it again, for the first time in I don't know how many years, the other day I was struck by the classical harmony nature of the whole. To me a driving bassline is one where the bass asserts the 1 dead on and doesn't often stray far from the other beats while whatever goes, goes for the rest of the band. None of that going on with that tune.
  21. I keep my ear plugs with me on my key ring. Never again! Flare Audio do a gnatty SS tube fob for theirs.
  22. If you have a slot ported cab and a spare heavy cardboard box....Bob's your hairy assed Auntie.
  23. If you put them side by side you undo a lot of the good work.
  24. One more thing, ''let the audience see the cab''. One time I am rocking out and all of a sudden my sound goes to total hell. I turn around expecting to see someone effing with my EQ but it's the sax player getting a back massage.
  25. I never said Cure doesn't have driving basslines. I said that other tune was not one.
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