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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. I think an AC/DC tribute without a 'schoolboy' lead guitarist is just a cover band that plays a lot of AC/DC. If you aren't going to play dress up you aren't giving any sort of tribute to your idols.
  2. It's a pipe dream until we come up with I.R.L deflector shields. Keep in mind all of current space technology was once SciFi.
  3. Got a spare mic channel? Rig up a couple of thin boards and bungee cord under a steel washtub and mic it. I call it The Claptastic.
  4. I would put learning to get along with one another ahead of space travel for the meantime, but you're dead right.
  5. Eventually you will learn not to engage with the broken record.
  6. That's a result of supplies of vaccine going to places overrun with covid first. If they had vaccinated the cab drivers they wouldn't be in the current situation.
  7. I am no slapper. If I really need some zing I can ping the G or D off the fret board. I bought a new set a couple of years ago and will get around to fitting them one day.
  8. Wash hands first. Wipe down strings after. One time I did the old boil thing. Nothing much came out and didn't notice any improvement in sound.
  9. If they are non registered for VAT there is €0.00 Euro VAT in the price they are charging you!!! You can easily work out what you will pay in import duty and UK VAT.
  10. A big loss. The only reason I know is it appears big wheel bassists get RIP threads as opposed to being absorbed into the famous deaths thread. Long may it remain so.
  11. Trad is pretty closed up indeed. One wonders how long ''classic rock'' has before it's the new 'trad'. Seems pretty close already. Lately I have been getting back into the open mics a bit and having to exercise the ear muscles a lot more with new hits getting aired as well as the crusty stuff. Weirdly stuff I played in bars 20 or more years ago that was kinda old then and didn't feature 5 years ago is now deriguer too. Happy days!
  12. I haven't studied musical history a whole lot. 1000 years ago the only music here in NZ was the birds singing. What was popular music in 1021 anyway?
  13. Covers band turns into originals band while playing Dog'n'Duck gigs is a well worn path. The better you are as a band the easier it is to pull off. So far you have got to the stage of one hit wonders in your own Dog'n'Duck. I would be voting for churning out more original stuff and inserting the new tunes regularly, but dropping duds like hot rocks. Any cover gig can stand one original per set. Work your butts off to increase the number of your own solid gold hits to two per set. Then you might be getting festival slots.
  14. That's a perennial problem with Dark themes. ''Select All'' will make it readable.
  15. If you can't make a cab sound good with the GP12 you have a real duffer of a cab.
  16. Watts worked fine for me. Easy to see, no decoding required, simple and effective.
  17. The only compressor you will ever need. Bonus EQ balance can give an instant ''Reggaefication'' without changing the overall character too much, and then turn it back for the next number instantly.
  18. Nope. A cab needs several tens of watts at least for a drummer to hear anything. Depending on what is coming from your DI you may even need another preamp to make a signal for ANOTHER AMPLIFIER that feeds your cab.
  19. Exacerry! Never mind the colour, go back and buy it.
  20. I haven't played with the VT but you are right on track. On TB the almost famous Jimmy Miller once did a A/B listening challenge with a VT and a RedDI which is the gold standard for a tube DI. Only 75% could pick the RedDI which is only vaguely better sucess than a 50% wild guess when you consider that the audience are 'expert' qualified bassists.
  21. If the guitar combo works for you then no point in spending up on gear until you need a rig.
  22. Wins the prize.
  23. Clear as mud.
  24. Btw where is the EQ balance control?
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