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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. What are the new EQ settings?
  2. Good luck with that. Last I heard the chips in the compressor section are all out and no more to be had.
  3. How ever did Mason get before a judge? Do that.
  4. Try Faital or Beyma.
  5. I am quite fond of the DIY heavy cardboard plus duct tape creations. If you do it well enough it will work as a cab stand, maybe not a combo though. Some people use recycled coreflute plastic tenporary sign material.
  6. All this but Punk should also have either a buzz cut or 'lawnmower' cut, no gel.
  7. Be very careful about the replacement amp getting the exact airflow as designed. There's going to be special measures to take away heat from tubes as well as the power amp. It won't be the same inside by a long shot.
  8. So it's a layer of Marmite in a jar of peanut butter on sale, or you misunderstood and tried out a mix yourself in the interests of science?
  9. Amp gimmicks that don't work: Have you tried to read the positions of the knobs on Peavey's 'Trace Elliot' green backlit stuff in the dark? There's a reason Trace put the UV light out front of the green markings, so you could see it in the dark!
  10. Gotcha. So they are rank amateurs. The real pro marketeers would be horsing around.
  11. That looks like it's a jar of peanut butter branded Marmite. Whatever sells I suppose. Next there will be Marmite Honey and Marmite Raspberry Jam next to the Marmite Marmite.
  12. Charlie must be the censored version of something chooice.
  13. Not a gimmick as such but master volume controls that get to full output at halfway are very common.
  14. If you are just looking to make some noise you can probably get busy with your PA just fine. Many moons ago, before I got to buying a rig, I played at many an open mic with only a passive bass straight into the mixer. Was it the greatest bass sound ever? No. Did it entertain the bar? Yes. The trick is to not try to get too much low end out of it. Low bass causes the PA speaker to work harder than its design purpose of amplifying voice and higher register instruments like guitars and whatnot.
  15. Good luck then. I really don't get guitar playing loud in the bass range. Reduces the bass to something like a 44gal drum with the top off being hit with a 4x2.
  16. Explains all. It sounds good with next to no volume. Your guitarist has ''more me'' syndrome. He has left you a little clank at 5k and the rest is pure boom. Inside those ranges he is blazing away with goosed guitar lows that are the bass tone mids.
  17. Well there's your problem right there son! If you had read the fine manual you would know that is how not to set the EQ. Push that red slider down to the bottom and leave it there. The 40 can go down to -6dB for good measure. Your 15 doesn't do much with 40hz except flap about. Now obviously you like a big old scoop in your mids but indulge me and move the rest of the sliders up so between 60hz and 5kHz they average 0dB. You can safely leave the last two on the floor. You could have 60hz on +3dB but I wouldn't go any more.
  18. My 250 doesn't put out much more at 4 than 3 and no more after 4. My Kaman vintage Trace 1518 is a very efficient cab but will fart out with relatively low volume if you fail to tailor the low end EQ. Turning up the input gain is turning up the volume, until the preamp clips or a cab gives up. Mine stays clean all the way with a passive bass. My money is still on the 15 being the source of your breakup.
  19. I think you could well be running out of cab rather than watts. My 250smx doesn't do overdriven tones but it will murder 300w cabs with too much low end, no problem. For drive you can put something like a BDDI in front. I like mine breaking up when I dig in and otherwise only warmed up.
  20. I like to be clearly and dearly missed if I stop playing and audible to anyone who is listening. Lots only hear it when it stops, no need to beat them about the head with it.
  21. Do you think I would be using and recommending a BDDI if the tube emulation wasn't for me? It does need extra mids put back in though and simply cutting bass and treble doesn't quite do it for me. So the answer to ''what pedal goes well with a BDDI?'' is still ''an EQ''.
  22. On the assumption you aren't joking, he's their representative, taking his username from the parent co.pany that makes Sansamp.
  23. We covered that contract stuff in highschool economics classes. Unsurprisingly identical in NZ.
  24. We already went around this mulberry bush. It can't be dialed in flat if you are using the driver in Bass Driver DI. You do know what throwing out the baby with the bathwater means?
  25. You haven't stated what the A/B/Y is doing but it looks like it must be functioning as a mute if you have it last? Ideally your fx would only be processing noise that came in from the bass cable so noise gate early would be good. If the fx are chucking up noise of their own then perhaps they are for the bin. Generally: Bass > drive, envelopes, compressor, phaser/chorus/delay. But the compressor can go anywhere you like it.
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