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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. It's used all over the place depending on what I am doing. Every which way the midscoop gets dialed out. Dunno where you got this idea.
  2. What is heavy metal anyway?
  3. It's a rule of thumb that the Faitals put out low end equivalent to regular old 10'' bass speakers. So if a 210 would do the job you are good with one cab so long as the amp is powerful enough.
  4. I question the need for the extra cab. Is there PA support? Best to dial it back a bit and let the PA be loud and proud without interference from the stage rig getting into drum mics. If no PA support, best to stay under the vocals and not drown out the drums etc. No third cab required.
  5. Yeah I own both BDDI and Deluxe, I recommend them often. Great stuff at reasonable prices. Live customer service on the internet. Great for avoiding soundguy conniptions. Still my BDDI needs help on account of less mids coming out than went in. That's not an obsession with flat. The OP asked. So it's not appropriate to put me down and suggest turning it off.
  6. Dunno but if you cruise Nz's TradeMe basses for sale expired auctions I am sure I saw one just like it not so long ago.
  7. Never seen a V2. I disagree that noon is anywhere near flat.
  8. Notice the lack of top horn. This makes the instrument a neck heavy neck diving bastard when hanging on a strap. Major pain in the donkey for some. For sure it would drive me bonkers having to hold the neck up to play.
  9. Man, it's lopsided already on a 4 banger so why not accept a little more as par for the course and worry about which shoes match your shirt and bass best instead?
  10. I wouldn't write off his jazz chops unless I heard him try. To my ear he's very jazzy for a rock band!
  11. Too many audible lyrics. Too much melody. Not enough drum hits per second. Laid back guitar solo. Way too much fidelity all around.
  12. Well that worked out pretty fine for all!
  13. If you are regularly flipping 1000 pound basses, at 80 quid a throw, you are carrying your own insurance for free if you can get to 12 undamaged first.
  14. That would be throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
  15. A BDDI can never be EQ'd flat, always a cut in the upper mids even with both Bass and Treble cut. So when using one I always have another EQ in line.
  16. There was a SP'd Squier J sold on TradeMe not so long ago. It was a little rough around the edges but it had wires and lights to go with the tin plate. It had a fair bit of body hogged out to save weight.
  17. Expect ecstatic drunken reaction to bass kicking in.
  18. The extent to which the bands are separated determines how much of your spectrum is vulnerable. Unfortunately it's not possible to brick wall it without some serious rack gear so we always wind up with several hundred Hz that is in common between the effected and unaffected. That's all assuming a crossover and blender is in play. With your 'garden biamp' of a distorted signal playing over a clean signal the usual approach is heavy EQ separation. That's even less reliable than a crossover.
  19. No doubt you have found a niche but it doesn't give you the right to pass judgement on how other bands choose to entertain their drunken punters.
  20. Acoustic version should be quite fine without electric bass, just be sure to put the HPF back on the acoustic guitar afterwards.
  21. It took them so long because it really is a very small Trace Elliot team within Peavey. They did a good job putting the SMX into the Transit pedal and adding a overdrive. It may be a combination of parts of that with power. One guesses they have made another breakthrough and 500w 'Donk' with fuller featured preamp is GK MB200 size. I was hoping for 'Gnome' but Warwick stole that.
  22. A lot of people use that term when they are actually parallel effected. There is no OR in biamp and crossover if you are doing it right.
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