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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Wow, I hankered to do some composing a few years ago but Sibelius was OTT expensive for a dabble. Notion looks great value.
  2. Be very careful with substitute screws that they aren't too long. If they go through to the amp guts beyond the captive nut it's all over sometimes.
  3. I used to eat straps until I got onto straplocks.
  4. Yep. See the Rane tech note.
  5. It has one end with the XLR 'mic' end wired up unbalanced and the other is standard TS 1/4". Agedhorse will fill you in or you can look up the Rane note for unbalanced XLR.
  6. It's a real gamble that it doesn't sound lousy with mismatched cabinets. Try before you buy.
  7. Some people get it. Some people don't. Happy collision.
  8. The reason for the simple lead insertion = on system is it is the most reliable for the most people. A separate switch is prone to be forgotten and the bass put away in the case to be found dead on next use. Those are the choices until you go for complicated electronics which would increase the cost. Tough luck Buttercup! Of the potential practical solutions I like the reminder loop of string around your leg from the lead plug. The first time you forget to toggle off your custom foot switch TRS lead combo you'll know I am right.
  9. Noodle with another bass? Get in the habit of unplugging it to put it down? Rewire the preamp power supply to a new switch? I think if you are going to forget to unplug you are going to forget to toggle off a foot switch. Velcro your good self to the lead when you plug it in so you can't forget?
  10. What is the second amp supposed to be feeding in this scheme if the Stubby is still on the 110 cabs?
  11. Look into it well before you show up at the border!
  12. That will be for an inspection to look for dope and antiquities and little girls. You would have already paid Greek VAT on anything you bought in the EU. Depending on how long you have been away I would think there would be less duty and VAT involved in importing your personal stuff into the UK. It used to be 2 years for a car into NZ at cost.
  13. I had a look and I can't find them. Must need the proper name for it. Folding foldup fold up spring stand, no combination working for me.
  14. Go to your local cabinet building hardware parts supplying website.
  15. There are foldout stands built for purpose that won't snap back with a bit of a bump.
  16. A few years ago some poor sod listed his sports sedan at a dollar reserve but somehow added the ''buy now'' option. 5 minutes later some asswipe bought it for a dollar and TradeMe enforced the deal.
  17. I only use pedals to make a lot of difference. Maybe you are doing it all wrong or maybe you simply don't need pedals.
  18. I think the only way to ship heavy amps these days is with a shipper that does the packing ( and charges the big bucks ) so they are able to insure it properly. Probably they take proper care! Anyone else, no matter how well you pack it they find a bigger truck to drop it out the back and shrug when it shows up broken.
  19. If a pedal can't do unity gain ( or close ) between off and on then it's dead to me. It really rips my shorts to see the rave review, buy the pedal, then find it's unusable in the real world for the insane volume boost that comes along with the tone. So don't be that reviewer!
  20. You aren't going to be running many pedals at that rate. If you need them, you need them. If you don't, you don't. The common factor in those facts is YOU. I have never tried a modern bass Zoom but lots of people like what they do.
  21. NZ has a global GFCI in the breaker box these days. Still, what's with fuses in UK plugs AND a fuse / breaker box?
  22. What is the reason for plugs having their own fuses?
  23. A drum kit so I could learn drums by playing along with the allowable Dessert Island Discs.
  24. I'd be surprised if you could blow a 3A fuse but I am unfamiliar with UK codes. As I remember you guys don't have fuses on the wires in the wall or if you do they aren't considered safe? All the appliances have to be individually fused to protect the house wiring from starting a fire. 3A fuses may be an additional safety net. Most things don't get through that but if they do it's about to be on fire and not blowing a main fuse until too late.
  25. Yours must be some proper duff copy. My duff copy pulls along fine but it did lose a wheel nut on some cobblestones. A keen eyed waitress found it for me or I would have been stuffed.
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