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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. If I wanted something like the bass buggy I would make one myself with chunky pneumatic tyred wheels from the engineering hardware store.
  2. That's when you jump up in the air with a twist yelling DRUM SOLO coming down facing the drummer.
  3. After the drummer counted off a number of tunes too fast or too slow at a big gig he got a tablet with a metronome setlist app. Thank God. Previously I had managed to cut him off with a 'HELL NO' on occasion before he got to 4 but counting off a ballad double time escaped my attention until the horns were off to the races. Poor old singer sounded like a Chipmunk.
  4. I got a sweet Fender Jazz. Revelled in the growly one pickup slightly down tone. Got it onstage and ''what the ????" buzzing like a fridge. Humbuckers forevermore for me.
  5. There's a famous story I think from WWII where the captured English garrison managed to put the flag up upside down so some Commandos got to go in hot instead of getting ambushed by Ze Germans. Something like that...
  6. Believe it or not I am pretty sure the last time I sang that ditty I was doing it every week at primary school assembly.
  7. I didn't know there was a bass breakdown! Or maybe it's unremarkable and I intuit it and it's over and done on to the next.
  8. Seems like they are working through the EU country by country doing the deals individually that EU HQ wouldn't do pre Brexit. You need a few more countries to fall into cooperating and the rest will feel like they are losing out on Coldplay and Elton soon enough.
  9. I figure that's supposed to be the case but my one feels like it might fall over if a fly landed off centre.
  10. I have what must be a terrible copy of one of those Hercules squat frame foldups. I should throw it in a skip but I hang onto it on case I find something that will actually sit still on it.
  11. It sounds like a lot of fun but I doubt it will make it to air here on account of 'too soon' since the mosque massacres in Christchurch. I am indeed anti a few 'Muslims' that the majority disown for obvious lack of civility. The most famous comic here is still Billy T James, RIP. When they give out awards to comics they are ''The Billy T's''. He was fond of mercilessly taking the Mickey out of his fellow Maori folk stereotypes. He didn't escape criticism from Kaumatua but they weren't the only ones missing the simultaneous jabs at Colonial whiteys. Taking the gypsy's kiss out of oneself is a hallmark of UK humour. It's great that the UK Muslims are getting in on the act. Even better when it's a musical.
  12. Number of amps taken in for routine service : 0 Number of breakdowns not caused by user error : 0 Conclusion: wait until it sounds off.
  13. How long before a Fatwa gets issued on them to close it down?
  14. An awful lot of punters don't even recognise my EUB as the bass so it would have to be a Morgan 3 wheeler with the V twin poking out the front.
  15. Still got it? Might need a fresh battery to blow your socks off.
  16. Oh, oh, pianist playing keyboard!
  17. No light on = either no power or the input lead has gone open circuit.
  18. When Metallica turned into a bunch of ''soft sellout hippies'' that's when I find them listenable.
  19. Someone must trying be trying to get all the Taliban's heads to explode.
  20. I should have said playing cards other than those dealt, but it was too wordy.
  21. Strange question. Not playing the cards you are dealt is otherwise known as cheating.
  22. In your other thread you were looking for alternative arrangements for your wheelchair as the stock ones didn't look suitable. What did you go for?
  23. Ime 'pub band' venues don't have the capacity for worthwhile stage monitoring without causing an unholy mess out front, even with a stage. Vocal PA ftw. So I asked OP what his average means.
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