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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Going by the frequency I read of BC bassists using a 210 or a couple of 110's or a single 112 or 115 I feel the average UK pub band is a bit more under control than you make out.
  2. Ime the room only varies widely because FOH has boosted the hell out of the subs. 300 to 500 cap. concerts.
  3. Let's say the dessert island has a bunch of bands all needing a bass player so you're gigging every night with a different band and all you have is a FRFR cab and a Trace amp that has no dirt onboard and the gigs are all huge PA supported shows. I am going to want a DI'ing dirt capable preamp, a Prunes and Custard and a HPF.
  4. I believe you but I also believe the audience was likely having too good of a time to care even if they did notice something off. On the other hand, if I can't make a rehearsal it gets resheduled. Anyone else and it carries on. I think your challenge is only applying well to very loud bands where it's hard to hear much of anything for all the everything louder than everything else. Any jazz player knows what dropping out the bass does!
  5. The lights are always on at BC.
  6. Defeatist! His cab is claimed FRFR so at least with post EQ he might have a fighting chance that the PA is EQ'd to the room and only minimal tweaking is required at FOH.
  7. Here's how I would do it if I really felt a need, which I don't. Macrame a handle out of paracord. Truss the amp around and around, like your Grandma would tie a brown paper wrapped package with string, with the tails of the macrame handle and onwards around the cabinet. You really don't want to be transporting it with the speakon poking out the back of the cab but you can stuff that end under the string and leave the other plugged in the back of the Elf to satisfy the combo fetish.
  8. In NZ it used to be illegal to insist on buying A in order to be able to buy B. Something about hard up people being able to buy a little luxury after the Great Depression I think.
  9. You mean to differentiate from kettle menders aka tinkers?
  10. Depends on whether your tone suits the venue <cough>.
  11. Any closer to a decision OP? I guess it firstly comes down to whether she's passable or not. Then what other opportunities exist. Then if you do sign on for the couple situation, how long do you give it to see if it's tenable. Odds not in your favour.
  12. Pretty crazy to carve up a premium cab to comboize it. Even crazier to do that with an Elf which is the least hassle to shift of anything. I don't know that Elf power is enough kick to do that cab justice either.
  13. After you're done sanding a haircut and a shave would work wonders.
  14. I am going to guess if it is still happening after a year you are playing with a pick?
  15. Ever heard of confirmation bias much? I have too many amps and cabs and basses to try every combination in a week of evenings. Never once have my ears pricked up over a certain amp improving any particular bass.
  16. Decide quickly. I had a singer with a good voice and energy but no timing. He could not hit a pickup. He would wildly shake a hip to the beat ok.......... and let fly. We parted ways and a few years later I see him on the bill for a showcase. He ripped. When I saw him after the show the first thing he says to me is ''I got timing!".
  17. You need the ACME Downunderwonder foldup cardboard stand. Fold 2ft slab of cardboard into an artful W with return wings back down from the top and a short middle peak. Slice in a ramp. You want the back corner of the cab to sit on the floor and the sloping topped W (looking from above it's a W, bottom toward front of cab) locks in place uncollapsible. Store in port slot.
  18. A supple stick with which to beat the guitar player who cranks his volume.
  19. Swedish. No idea why the .nz internet address
  20. There is provenance and Provenance. Instruments from household names are collectables worth big bucks to investors. Instruments of so and so who played on the album with the household names, not so much. That guy who sold his strat to Rick at Pawnstars did more than ok because it was the instrument used on countless hit recordings that Rick likes. I would love to know who bought it, or maybe Rick secretly bought it for himself. Markets are funny things. Music memorabilia is no exception.
  21. I guess Bowie always rode his own wave.
  22. I feel your frustration. I was in a band that decided to get into Muse covers. Bought a ton of extra doodadery and got nowhere before the band folded. The difference is I still have half of it ten years later.
  23. ??? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. The OP said he picked up the bass in an estate sale. That almost certainly means your friend is playing bass with the angels.
  24. That's the only one I can think of. It's very obvious once you have heard it. From memory it comes on the 'Wild' of the interlude, something like that anyway, a true nowhere to hide clanger.
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