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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. I wouldn't trust a 500w RMS rating on a 210 unless it was a very expensive one. 0 0 0 0 Is how to arrange two 210 cabs. You hear it far better and so does the audience when it's playing to the room. 200w through those Eden cabs should make plenty of noise. Good luck with your search for some well priced used stuff.
  2. Once you get over that it's all fun. Play along with the TV adverts at home. Most have a readily catchonable bass riff. If you don't get it first time you get another crack in 12 minutes.
  3. The USD is high at the moment. Not sure how that translates in the used US market. Used gear is traditionally super cheap there.
  4. How much would break the bank? What you need is something that can keep up with well hit drums. Then you are covered for any gig that comes along. A couple of old 210 cabs and 250w amp is plenty for that.
  5. Tight basterd that I am I couldn't bear the thought of the hasty but stellar recomposition going unrewarded if I was the original writer. Maybe it's his only significant income but I'd like to think I'd still send a bit to the TG guy.
  6. From the little I know about caribou I'd say they find croquet hoops entirely disintesting fodder and / or your fence scary. Otherwise it would have to be some seriously serious fence to stop one from venturing to the manicured side if he had a mind to. As for the cat manicuring itself on a bass pickup, that's one messed up cat not content to make war on bass via the cabinet.
  7. I'd be pretty chuffed too, to be picked up from my house and taken to gigs where I got paid. I'd probably even load my own 210 into the van, while bandmates half my age watched, and leave the bookings to them, happy as Larry!!
  8. U bass for the win. About the same stress level as playing air bass to a sequencer.
  9. Exists already, half rack! Nobody much uses it these days though. My parametric EQ is a half rack unit. It's almost as old as me.
  10. They are waterproof on circuit boards much as pure H²O is an insulator.
  11. If there's a bass amp it's running on mains power. You can always unplug it and pop your double plug in its place.
  12. I am not seeing anywhere it isn't a stone's throw from mains power. Learn how to wrap a cable so it comes out straight instead of a birds nest.
  13. If you have a jacked up body you can fit bigger wheels and tires, and brakes and a new differential, and a ladder. Then you are ready to exit the supermarket carpark in any direction you please.
  14. Nothing. It's mono all the way.
  15. I am glad someone with the proper background piped up. I was just shaking my head at the image going "steady on tiger, what's with the fine art on a shirt going to cost".
  16. Tell him he needs to channel his inner rockstar. Good enough for DG, good enough for him.
  17. Not sure what the question is. A DI takes the raw bass signal and converts it to match the impedance of the mixing console. For recording it is handy to record that if you have preamp and fx plugins. You can mess with the clean raw track all day. You always have the original to go back and have another go. Recording a preamped signal means you are stuck with that version as your basis.
  18. The single side handle is there so you can carry it like a suitcase?
  19. Stick them on Ebay 25 quid a pair and they will fly away.
  20. Just add DI onboard and off to the races. Still some so called sound person will insist on using their DI in front. Tell them to listen to the DI. Stand there until they do. If it's as quiet as you say there will be no further angst.
  21. Sam is gonna be busy. Add the "Trace Elliot" to the print and do a run. Could be a nice little earner for years to come.
  22. Ime the same sound jockeys that are insistent on a bass direct are the ones that goose the lows and decimate everything but a bit of clank. So I make a point of having them listen to the sound on stage before having them listen to my post EQ signal. My sound is very tight, staying out of the way of the kick drum. We don't want that thundering either. It's even odds on the drummer getting up and removing the mic and just kicking the hell out of it when needed.
  23. One way to find where best to put your sub is a very simple experiment. Put it where you want the biggest bass ie the middle of the dancefloor. Play a bass heavy track and go around the room to find the best booming position of the available wall spots to put the sub for the show. Put the sub there and it will thump back where you want it.
  24. Your blonde tele must be feeling very left out.
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