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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. I only dislike it when I hear it being used for effect. The rest of the time I am probably not hearing it at all. They were talking about it on National Radio the other day. The recording studio guy said it is used a lot.
  2. Seasoned woods you would use for necks are much of a muchness for modulus of elasticity ( stiffness relative to section ). That leaves the length of the neck and its profile to define stiffness. Length is fixed leaving width and thickness. Funny thing is I expect a thicker wider neck to be more resistant to damping thanks to its greater stiffness.
  3. Hooboy, the great underpowering myth surfaces at BC. One backlined gig I did I almost turned around to go get my own gear. Ancient Trace Commando 100w 12'' combo appeared to be in good condition. It had just enough poke with a bit of bass in the monitor on the far side of the stage iirc. The kid band on first had other ideas. Horrible distorted mess for their whole set. Not enough power to blow up the speaker so I got to play through it and it was fine. If I had brought in my 250w Trace and 210 it would have been end of days for the 210, from too much power.
  4. The 'seated position' refers to maintaining the strap so where the bass is sitting relative to your torso when you are seated is the same when standing. It gives the most natural fretting hand position. I like that for playing but it plays hell with my plucking wrist being all cocked around for three hours straight.
  5. Isn't YouTube all compressed by YT on upload?
  6. What does it sound like to you? I had a P Deluxe with the Jazz bridge pickup and active EQ. The neck was on the slim side for a P but it sounded pretty fat to me. No J to compare it to at the time. Curses to one in one out rules!
  7. Beware the razor blades in your Marmite.
  8. I have suffered damage to well packed bass cases so not an option for me to go caseless.
  9. I think that most unlikely. Used goods can be anywhere from indistinguishable from new to on their last legs. All have value when brought across the taxation border. The problem isn't the taxing of imports. The problem is getting a tax credit from the export side for the local sales tax embodied. Apparently the UK isn't into that at present but I expect that is what you heard about.
  10. I was looking at posting UK to NZ via NZPost's outpost who are going through DHL. It spits the dummy at the length. I got a parcel from Germany back in September via DHL which was of the order of a bass except a more regular cube. It was a bit slow but no problem. The rate was reasonable and I am quite sensitive to paying out for shipping.
  11. Why let the facts get in the way of a good story?
  12. There's a cost to clear through Customs now. I think the couriers are taking the wizz with their charges on that. Post used to be able to do that for free here. Stuff arrived declared and Post it put on a shelf while Customs sent you a demand letter. Once you paid up Customs told Post to carry on and deliver it. Now NZ Post is in bed with DHL. Can't even post a bass in a case any more.
  13. The waters are muddied by general opinions being in the same stream as advice for the OP. The OP has said he brought up the inadequacy of his current axe. He still hasn't decided if the reply from his bandmates amounted to a demand or a suggestion albeit a stupid expensive one to many of us. No wonder then that folks feel free to add alternative more pocket friendly options.
  14. Superglue can be very toxic to susceptible individuals. Cyanoacrylate can send your immune system haywire. Before you you know what's going on you can be destroying your own gut and developing allergies that dog you for life. Not worth the risk if you ask me.
  15. Worked fine for me too. Yamaha BB 5'er factory strings down a half step and cut the Trace 12 band EQ's low sliders.
  16. Appoint yourself Chairman of this democratic band. When it's 2-2 the Chairman gets the casting vote. If you keep getting out voted 3 to 1 you are in the wrong band. Alternatively you make yourself President and start firing people until it's the right band.
  17. Scooping all the mids out will do that.
  18. Had me going until the throat clearing. Dang that's ugly for a premium instrument!
  19. I see. Must be a duff one. I had a similar problem with a cheap EUB open big wheel gear tuner breaking free at the key, except the whole key separated from the drive shaft. A bit of Selley's black 2 part epoxy bodged it right back.
  20. Iirc that amp has the same power module as the 450 which was actually 243W RMS.
  21. Hard to distinguish the split from reflections but I take your word for it. I wonder if it's a fake Schaller as they are supposedly the good stuff.
  22. Not familiar with Schaller tuners. What's wrong?
  23. Most likely covid has slowed the wheels. Amazon collects GST for NZ with a click. I guess Kiwi shoppers buy with intent and much consideration making returns not a thing?
  24. Mountain out of molehill making methinks.
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