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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. It has a balanced line out in TRS format. Ideally you need to carry a TRS/XLR cable long enough to reach the floor so you aren't putting strain on anything with an adaptor unit.
  2. The Transit floor preamp is a pretty big leap into Newville for leaning heavily on the SMX heritage of the dual compression with the addition of a blended overdrive, which was the only thing missing from the SMX. Peavey have hinted at a simple power engine or more powerful Elf like head being developed but the existing new Trace Elliot line has all made it to market at a glacial pace all the way along so don't hold your breath.
  3. The other thing to watch for is the nasty cheap knockoff connectors you get on a lot of 'bargain' cables break off in the amp or cab causing major damage as they go. With any luck you haven't munted your amp speakon but be sure to use genuine Neutrik SpeakonTM plugs and don't force anything.
  4. There isn't a big market for stadium stage rigs any more. PA systems in clubs have gotten ridiculous and local bars don't want the doors blown out any longer. Stacking two of the 208 cabs they can take a bigger amp than the Elf and be as loud as the drummer. Bring on the 500w Gnome.
  5. Successfully putting preamp in between the bass and the bass amp is dependent on getting the gain staging correct. Whatever gain induced tone you are getting from the preamp needs to be under level control by the time it gets to the amplifier's input.
  6. As far as I know there's twins with compression drivers = super, and twins without = big.
  7. Rare is the combo that even puts out the fundamental of a low E. Our brains fill it in from all the harmonics. Even most bigboy bass rigs go to hell over anything as low as 40hz.
  8. They wouldn't be called octavers if they didn't lower at least one octave, was the point I was trying to make more gently.
  9. They all lower by one octave. How well they track down past a low A is variable. An octave below your A string will generally cause problems for your cab if you play it loud. Ideally you should put a highpass filter after the octaver to keep it clean.
  10. The 6dB number is very dependent on how much power the amp can put out at 4 ohm vs 8 ohm, and of course the cabs must handle it all cleanly. These days of class D amps it's often a lot less than double the power at 4 ohms.
  11. Went back the Activity page and it's still set orange Expanded.
  12. Whatever is in two year old Android Samsung semi basic model. Can't be dealing with 'ALL ACTIVITY' modes. I think I did try that button at one stage but no result.
  13. Brave. Free, no adverts except they pimp Bitcoin on the front page.
  14. I just tried setting default text size bigger but it only makes the browser address window text goofy big and does nothing to the forum.
  15. I figured out the skinny orange line shows the start of new posts in a thread. I can't find a navigation button to go there or any option in my user settings for opening to that point automatically. I am also struggling with the text sizing and lack of contrast appropriate settings in general so that may be why I haven't found the settings??? Basschat is the only place on the 'net that I just about need reading glasses to read.
  16. Plan. It sounds good, keep practicing. You are looking at a complete do over of your system to get a proper biamp out of speakers that are less than ìdeal. You might be better trading out of it wholesale as a going concern.
  17. I am partial to Trace Eliot's dual scheme that can hold down the low wobbles as much as you like while leaving the mids and highs alone, or bring in the high band as you please. It's so good they carried it through to the new Transit-B at the cost of a much bigger pedal than it would have been without.
  18. We have come to accept a 5 year old broken down TV is for the landfill but not there yet with expensive bass amplifiers.
  19. A NZ appliance retailer in the 70's hit the TV advertising with the catchphrase ''it's the putting right that counts'' regarding his in house service dept. In those days everything lasted donkey's years and got fixed if it broke down.
  20. 1000w amp will have no trouble blowing up the 15'' cab if you let it. Even easier to do with the 410 on top drowning out the sounds of the 15 dying.
  21. Mine rattled the end pin leftover unless rotated to the spot where it didn't rattle. Don't ask me why.
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