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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Bingo.
  2. The Rolling Stones.
  3. The Travelling Wilburys.
  4. New question. Why does this thread default to ''Most Votes'' every time I open it? Very annoying.
  5. Seems to be a growing trend. My own intonation is not that great but damn it sounds horrible when it's so deliberately off it sounds like cats on a fence. What has set me off is the latest pop tune getting airplay with a ''tribal wood chimes?" synth part featured chorus. Bugger me days, no self respecting tribal musician sets up a full set of percussion with A400. I am not talking about vocalists bending notes to pitch or using autotune as an effect. Nobody under 25 seems able to hit a note at karaoke these days. What gives?
  6. I would have thought you would have plugged in a bass and gone ''dang this thing can't satisfy'' before posting the thread. Ime of guitar amp bass I tried the guitarist's 50w Marshall with his 412, at his insistence. We turned it up until it distorted, at which point it was making 1 mousepower. Ymmv.
  7. I think I might still have one in a drawer after giving up in disgust so colour me interested in how to get some smooth synth out of it also.
  8. Only concern is providing the proper cab impedance to the amp.
  9. There is far more chance of a backup amp being stolen out of my car or filched at the venue than there is of my amp failing. I am sure I am not the only (occasionally) paid player that doesn't pay for professional gear insurance.
  10. Seems to have sorted itself out since 8 hrs ago.
  11. It's an optical illusion that is hard for me to un-see once seen. I had to turn the screen upside down but as soon as looked away they had flipped back to 'outies'.
  12. Some find the 200w Elf quite adequate as a main amp while others sneer at it, all playing rock with guitars and drums. Ymmv. Having multiple cabs makes 200w go far so worth a look imo.
  13. DI into PA as a backup solution might not be nearly as preferable as using a bass amp or even a spare bass bass amp. If the preference is for DI to PA then taking an amp would be the backup plan.
  14. Was deathly slow last night ( 11 hours ago ). Appears ok this morning.
  15. 19'' rackable anps in combos were the order of the day. I just explained why it was never really 'a thing' in the first place.
  16. Diff'r'nt strokes don't impact markets much.
  17. Yep. There are good reasons for doing it per Doddy. You can also play about with it but surely start there.
  18. Micro heads don't need no stinkin' great 19'' rack box adding kilos to the combo. The only reason there were any 19'' rackable combo amps is it was a quick and dirty way to put out a product with little to no extra design and production effort. 19'' too big. Mini rack too small. Every man for himself with amp boxes then! 19'' racks pretty much gone dodo so now most manufacturers don't even offer rack ear options for their heads. Game over.
  19. Please describe in detail your technique.
  20. Salvage the drivers and make two half sized 210 cabs for them. Way less work than stripping rat fur and get the sonic advantages of a vertical 410 tower.
  21. I think I would do a lot worse with only one hand on the saw!
  22. The messed up two extra guitar strings preclude me from playing much more than basic guitar chords so I don't bother with the skinny string other. If you put a gun to my head or I get drunk enough I will still scratch out a solo on a spare violin. Bass hooked me while I was a violin player in my highschool jazz combo. Damn, the coolest thing I ever heard to this day when the guitar player showed up with a bass instead! Fast forward my O.E and I'm back home at a blues bar and dang, I NEED to take up the bass. So I did. Helluva mind f going from strings in 5ths to strings in 4ths but I overcame. A little less adding the 5th string. Ymmv.
  23. At school I was pretty hopeless in the workshop classes, ''all thumbs''. Later I did evening engineering shop classes as part of my degree and barely passed those too. It was only when thrust into working in an actual engineering workshop that I got a handle on paying attention to the little details that result in not making a hash of the job. Learning enought to solder a few wires is a thousand times easier than welding galvanised pipe with stick electrodes. Give it a go!
  24. Soldering is only tricky if you don't know what you are doing and solder away making a mess until you kill it by fire or sucessfully join part A to part B. YouTube can teach you and then you wonder why you ever thought it was tricky.
  25. I think if you're going to go to all the trouble of making a cab you probably want it to be the best sounding cab it can be, without spending so much on the parts that you could just buy a GK. 60 squid seems reasonable enough.
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