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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. That is not what was implied by being "forced into a job". Being forced into a job is being unable to make a living as a musician. The question was is it worse now for musicians in bands than it was before the current crisis. You really have to wind it back to before Covid. Bands are struggling to get any more out of venues who are also struggling. Must be harder for the musicians to make bank. I couldn't do it back in the 90's when live music was stronger than it is now and houses were a bloody sight more affordable than they are today. If I had had 5 gigs a week I would have been going great great guns and a mortgage would have been half paid off by now. I would drive a Tesla Model Y. I would be in big trouble about now as a full time muso. No way in hell I could keep up my mortgage these days playing 5 nights a week. That does not bode well for the aspiring band player who doesn't get a real job and treat music as a hobby. So essentially the OP is quite correct if you ask me.
  2. Take a leap folks. Sign up for gas free Jan remainder.
  3. Everything I pluck is on auto pilot and has been for a very long time. That leaves my conscious brain fully available to work on note choice and timing. Casting my mind back... Exercises that cross strings. Repeat until you get it. Do it again a couple more times and then work on another pattern before going back to the first one. Rinse and repeat. Where's your thumb? It's a good idea to aim for using alternate fingers, for each note that is on the same string at least.
  4. It strikes me that the some members have a little too much GAS for the annual gas bash. So all you early fails have a shot at some sort of redemption if you can stay clean for the remainder of JANUARY. You know you want to... Success might inspire joining the February pledge. There's only 28 days in February. Nobody buys gear in March, that's just bad luck. After 2 and 3/4 months of not buying anything you might be good for the rest of the year.
  5. Probably stolen @85 quid.
  6. Also how surprisingly not nearly as loud at 50 hz as it is at 100hz with the same small signal.
  7. Doh, that was you solving it yourself!
  8. At 1° 50mm long there's 0.9mm difference between ends. You would have to be a bit of a drunken monkey to miss that if you use any sort of measuring method. By eye, not so sure.
  9. Weird. If my strap was working sitting down it would be hell high standing up.
  10. That was how Trace specified their three light system. Red flicking on heaviest hits = just right.
  11. At a buck a beer I doubt there's much beer in it. Hard to know what their game is with those prices. A 500ml craft beer in a bar here is going to run you maybe 6 or 7 bucks US but the band is free.
  12. A clue! Do you use Monster cables? They may have upped their game but they used to sell cables with 1/4+a tad" plugs which gave them a really solid plug in and buggered the jack for anyone coming along with a standard lead.
  13. The odds both buyers are nitwits with flat batteries in their basses could be about as long as two Mesa's breaking down. Worth checking.
  14. Any of the rest of you sing a bit, just a bit? You could host a regular open mic as house band and kick off the night.
  15. You say throw back, I say traditional!
  16. Way to bring me back down to earth. I can't slap my way out of a paper bag.
  17. That would make this the registration thread.
  18. There's parallel threads all over the place. We could roll them all under one giant NewGearDay thread but that wouldn't be much fun. How about "This year's 1st purchase of gear I don't really need"?
  19. What about a dep for Mr Homebody? 1 gig a month is hardly enough to keep it tight.
  20. What were you meant to do with the "recovery code" sent by text? ( I mean aside from delete it, what was the scammer wanting?) This sort of thing hasn't happened here yet so I am still trying to understand it. Before AI broke out I got a very convincing sounding incredibly posh English Asian lady leaving me a voice mail that my credit card was being run up. I imagine she got a few to "press 1 now".
  21. I once heard a band play everything funky. It worked for a night. Bob Marley to the Beatles, everything funkified. Full commitment required.
  22. Yes, you got that bit spot on, no and no.
  23. The Precision Bass was a game changer. Then bassists wanted to change the game back to have cake and eat cake by nixing the frets. Best just pick up a fretless and play it.
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