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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. I think your grunge band has very much more volume control than my grunge band if you think 210 or 112 is going to cope.
  2. Would explain his colouring.
  3. Damn. Must be a market for dog sitting services. As in, my Rottweiler is happy sleeping in your van for a big bag of biskits and a couple of tickets. Put him back in my front gate on your way out of town.
  4. I can't play guitar for toffee. So that blows your theory right out of the water. But yeah, an awful lot of guitar players think they can play bass. Some sure can. A lot of those can probably run rings around me. A lot of those play way too many notes but.
  5. That is a plot element of the TV show "Seal Team". It must be true. Or not.
  6. Try putting your Elf in a box with holes for leads. We have it on high authority here that it can't cook the amp. The box surface loses plenty of heat once the internal temperature is only a few degrees raised.
  7. Not all loud bands are very loud at all.
  8. It's not uncommon for a modern class D amp to be capable of running down to 2 ohm but deliver the same rated power to 4 ohm worth of cabinets. Over to OP to check the manual.
  9. It's a long long time since I did that so ny memory could be off. There could be a chance the pain has settled by next Friday enough that the bandaged finger doesn't complain too much. What did the nurse say?
  10. I very much doubt a cheap 2x8 is going to keep up with the drums in a pub band. At 4 ohms it won't know what to do with all the power but you can't build a tower power of 2ohm.
  11. You could tell your Momma it's a 250w practice amp.
  12. There’s a clue that MD is desperate enough for bass action, any bass action, that he provides Tab to go with his notation to rope in non readers. I say go for it. The wrong note at the right time generally goes completely unnoticed. Everyone is too busy getting their own stuff under control.
  13. Pretty much me when I went to read bass after learning it by ear as one does. The benefit was entirely in being able to follow along the tune structure and general direction of the line as I bumbled along. You don't have to read every note individually! You would have to be a way better reader than me to even try. I think most read the gist like me because it's simply not possible. Doesn't mean you can't 'read' it and play it. To this day I am relying on hearing the chord to inform my fingers as much as catching up with the accidentals with my eyes.
  14. True enough. Yet you understand the concept of keys, and key signatures that accompany the staff and dots? The dot height is only the raw note name but it is consistent until some Ahole starts with the C flats and A double flats. Look on the bright side.There are only 12 notes and most bass is scored between the low E and the lower F# on the G string. The key of the tune determines how those notes are scored. No C flats or A double flats! You are aware that a major scale has its relative minor pairing using identical written scale with a different starting note. Children initially learn playing very simple tunes and practicing to books of written out scales. My teacher was apt to remind me that pieces are only mixed up scales.
  15. On a dark stage the glare of the knob lights will make the away facing white dot indicators invisible. Dopey design. If the knobs had pointers they would be silhouetted.
  16. No frets = fingerboard, as on a DB.
  17. With that much theory you are streets ahead of me. But I can read dots. I don't actually read the dots though. I think this may be where you are at a disconnect. I read the accidentals and the rhythm pattern. The accidentals tell me I have work to do to escape the scale finger pattern and follow the funky chord. A good teacher should be able to take all your known theory and use that to help you see the patterns in the dots. I reckon you would become a reading machine once the penny drops
  18. Knowing your way around the fretted neck is going to do squat for your fretless playing. It could very well frustrate you. Lines are but a guide. Where you finger notes between frets with great precision you finger 'on' the lines. Good advice taken.
  19. Ordinarily, hell no. You have hit on an exception. I guess Eden have gamed the system a little to give you a cab that is loud but has given away trying to make lows. If you go further down that path you have a guitar cab that can tear your head off with 100w.
  20. It only takes one noisy light to make a hash of your pristine unbalanced signal.
  21. Cash Converters have a history of putting dud returns back on the shelf so be careful.
  22. I don’t know about grades but those bass parts are ideal teeth cutting material. 20 minutes a day and in a week he should be OK to bumble through a new one actually reading it. That's when confidence grows. Reading the music isn't the hard part. The plopping of the fingers in time in the right place is. You already know how to do that!
  23. Chicken, prepare to meet egg, on your face.
  24. Add some little bit of wind and the cure is actually free!
  25. Yep. The tab lines up with the notation. If you would rather play it with more usual fingerings you have to transpose your bass. My advice. Grab the opportunity to learn to read notation and play it on the regular 4 string as written.
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