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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Lucky! A ceiling about that height makes an acoustic guitar bloom on every C chord. They will look right at the bass player to blame.
  2. Dad and the Gang.
  3. If you are handy with a soldering iron it's pretty easy to make a power cable shorter. Snip out an over lay ie opposing short and long tails, and then trim overall length to suit. Don't forget your heat shrink. Doing it overlayed makes for only one piece of heat shrink required and a nice neat job.
  4. I'd love a tonic jacket for gigs, if I could find one budgie style in the op shop before some other fashionista snaffles it.
  5. As opposed to posts joining walls across the cabinet style bracing, BFM style.
  6. Borrowed mangled English for 'wall' 'joist'. ie thing what stiffens your wall, innit guv!
  7. From what we discussed earlier I think they start by posting as a friend messaging you about some b.s that requires a code. They quickly pose as you to FB locked out or wanting to do admin or sommat, and you are silly enough to give it to them. That's the only way I can see how it could be done short of an actual hack. How they fool you that it's your friend messaging you on some other platform I have no idea.
  8. I set mine so they WILL clank if I want. 98% of the time they won't, and it's nice seeing heads turn when they do.
  9. If not 'ski jump' deformation the easy fix would be a shim under the bridge.
  10. There's that word again. Nut or bridge end?
  11. Someone who knows how to sew shouldn't be complaining about being given helpful advice after they complain about not being able to buy shirts with stars preinstalled in their high street, or about having the borax poked at them.
  12. As a nurse you must surely have a good handle on sewing!
  13. I hope they had a preamp for you to plug into.
  14. I saw one in the wild once. The band was setting up as we were passing through on our way to our gig. So never got to hear it.
  15. They make these things called scissors. You apply them to the kind of fabric you would like your stars to be, in the size and shape you would like them to be, with a little extra around each edge that you fold under. That folded edge is the edge of your star. Then you apply this oldfangled technology called "needle and thread" to your stars just back from that edge and hey presto you have a shirt with stars on it.
  16. One time my vintage Trace 15 was plugged in with a BigBaby. The BB was inaudible so I am picking it gives up a fair mess of sensitivity to vintage stuff in order to go crazy loud with lots of watts. I imagine a super compact version of a BB isn't going to punch its way out of a wet paper bag without at least 200w up it. Every 3dB of sensitivity deficit you start with requires that you double the power to make it up. That's well and good when 1000w amps are cheap as chips. Not so much with 50 going on 100w. JBL E140 based cab is what you want. Mic that puppy into the PA and you will be envy of bassists around the world.
  17. Over the other side of the pond there is a thread on a 110 coffeehouse cab made from a cheap prefab 10" subwoofer box. It just happened to have the exact right porting for the s2010 which is close enough to the 2510 that others threw those in instead and Bob came through. Others copied the box with a shelf port instead. I am pretty sure it wasn't as generously sized as Bill's optimal tune but big enough to not suffocate.
  18. Lots of very cheap Trace amps in the classifieds at the moment. The trouble with some modern lightweight super high performance stuff is it actually needs a bit of wallop behind it to make it go. Try with you old iron before you buy.
  19. Trying not to strain our collective grey matter too much here.... Stiffness of a panel is related to how well its ends are secured, the material, and its thickness. How much it flexes then depends on how hard you push on it and the span. If you put a brace in a panel you effectively halve its span. That's why braces are much more efficient than using thicker material.
  20. So long as whatever I am plugged into will overdrive a little when I dig in I can do the rest with fingers most days. I would definitely like to be back doing effected improv before I die.
  21. In NZ the speaker XLR stayed in use quite awhile. Loads of old domestic gear still using them. Having female plugs both ends of the leads at least reduces the chances of making a wrong connection.
  22. An HPF will go a long way to ensuring 5 string happiness.
  23. Your speakon outs of mixer go to your tops btw. Not sure it that was made clear already, just to be sure. Reading back, only one sub so I guess you are stuck with a mono mix.
  24. Your master XLR outs go to your subs and you need some XLR to TRS leads to come back to the power amp inputs with the highpass from the subs. Balancing the tops to subs might mean turning them down at the sub amps. A little Heath Robinson but should work well enough.
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