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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. It shouldn't be all that hard to suss the PA situation. Then decide what you're going to do about amping bass. You are covered with your IEM but everyone else may not be thrilled by the PA.
  2. That BAM plot is dubious. Having no tailing off below 40hz calls into question if there is any accuracy to it. Phil says that himself. You can bet your lunch there is a filter somewhere down there or it would happily pump infrasound.
  3. They show the relative strength of signal output across the frequency range. The scale along the bottom is logarithmic as to match the musical scale in pure numbers and fit on a page and we can read it. 10hz 100hz 1000hz 10000hz becomes 10¹ 10² 10³ 10⁴ becomes '1 2 3 4' along the axis. The vertical axis expresses relative loudness as we hear in dB, also a logarithmic scale. A perfectly flat amp would be a straight line across all the way down to 1hz.
  4. None of them is without an inbuilt HPF or their lines would go more or less flat back to 10hz, 10¹ on the charts for the mathematically challenged.
  5. Refretting could be not so simple depending on what was used as filler. I think I would leave well enough alone.
  6. Sounds about right. Bruno Mars' band strutting all over the stage with the dancers, studio sounds, Beeb style.
  7. Difrnt strokes. I love jamming out tunes and getting them mostly right enough to fool everyone that I am some kind of bass god. The more you do it the better your ear gets. One time I walked in on my drummer giving a lesson using a recording of a tune we play. I thought it was us because the bass lines were "my lines" on a tune I had learned off just the chord sheet and playing along to the band. I play it differently but similarly every time. Then I realised it was a better recording than anything we had done and the bassist wasn't making any flubs. Interesting that he and I have the same taste in bassline from any number of alternative ways to compliment the melody and get from one chord to the next every 2 bars or less. So my point is there is as much to be gained by listening to the tune as the bassline when trying to figure out your part.
  8. Can anyone hear the difference between a Deluxe P solo on the P pickup preamp off passive mode, and regular P bass?
  9. This, and this for sure. Dude is a guitard holding up a sign for bass lessons on the side. Find another teacher. Reading is something you teach yourself for the most part. Not sure where you are at, coming back to music on bass not reading. Were you previously a bass player?
  10. My gruntiest bass by far is passive piezo yet can't punch its way out of a wet paper bag without a good solid input impedance.
  11. That's the one.
  12. I like the sentiment but I would put a thick layer of super competent players between me and the exhibitionists.
  13. Find a good value case of the solidity you require. Make board to fit.
  14. There is also Vong kit if you are handy with a soldering iron.
  15. Back up the thread there's someone selling sharply priced units on ebay. Build to order for the most part iirc.
  16. They should have taken it back and refunded you, even if it was on commission. Misrepresentation pure and simple.
  17. A BF Big Baby meets your criteria and you can use it to make a real racket as well. You might get one used for not too much moolah, considering a BigTwin took several days to sell for £700.
  18. Needs merging.
  19. There may be more than one standard. Obviously you were WRONG to label your desk, with sticky labels that could be peeled off to boot, not considering that someone else might need to come along and mix your band. Or not, guitard mate 'n'all...
  20. You meant HPF I think as you used the correct term later. My HPF was set at around 70hz on a recent gig. Sound monkey must have boosted the bejesus out of it to get his subs pumping some obnoxious sub bass. I wound up turning him off as the stage amp was plenty big enough for my little band in his little bar of a Sunday afternoon.
  21. You must have been doing it all wrong for him to do that.
  22. This is me at the moment! Our new guitarist is a fair to middling bassist and he is way better than me! There have probably been others in the band over the years that were too kind to say anything.
  23. People are always telling me what a great bassist I am. They are wrong. I am the lint under a great bassist's toenail but I am here and they wouldn't be bothered with my gigs even if they were here too. Still, it's nice to be appreciated for holding down the low end. The trick is to always play in time even if you have to ghost a note once in awhile to catch up.
  24. Two pedals is about my limit for wanting to plug in a bunch of stuff. Three = a board. Life is so much easier. Then I made a bigger board and had issues with the aforementioned power noises. More lately I made another smaller board. Boards are great! You don't need to spend sfa on them just tie the pedals down any old how. Spend the money on a really good true iso power supply first. There are cheap ones that are not true iso even though they claim to be. You're probably going to ignore me and then you will come to remember when you get your first buzz.
  25. Can even play it at left/right out.
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