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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. The whole thing is odd. TAB is not what you usually get issued. There may be regular notation printed parts for bass in someone's drawer. If so there is a golden opportunity to knuckle down and figure out notation with pop tunes you already know.
  2. I wouldn't mind one on my board just so people would point and ask and I would say something like "Beware the Attack Goat!" before changing the topic.
  3. Nice work if you can get it.
  4. Put up a curtain cloth. Tastefully of course.
  5. Jump on the Big Baby in the classifieds.
  6. A SuperTwin is probably an easier shift than BB3. Roll tilt and shove vs pick up?
  7. Something UL certified would be a good start. A Quilter BB800 is designed for that sort of thing. Compact package.
  8. Cheap. Little bit loud. Tiny. Not happening. Now it's functions. I am making possibly my last post on this thread. Two kinds of functions. LAF and civilized. LAF tend to involve big PA. Civilized is more the small pub gig where they don't want the roof raised. The kind where a Rumble 100 V3 would be absolutely fine. I used one with a full jazz orchestra going for gold. Listening to the previous band I thought it had to have been DI'd. Nope. Maybe 200 people loosely filled. I had my HPF on it and no worries. So, what is going to give? Size or cost? That SWR210 would be fine too btw. As all the old Trace stuff we have seen.
  9. And still not even free dessert because although it could get louder with a tiny amp, most people have an excess of amp power.
  10. Perhaps @stevie would be curious enough to do an autopsy on it. You are dead sure it never got thrashed by a bigger amp when you weren't looking?
  11. Aka no free lunch.
  12. I am not aware of different maths for tubes. As power varies with the square of the voltage and the max of a sine is sqrt2 times the average RMS., square wave being peak to peak of the max ckean sine... you see where I get 2x RMS clean power in square wave.
  13. May as well use a 1000w amp, so long as it stays clean. If you start to overdo it the speakers will let you know by no longer staying clean.
  14. Considering the parent co is now Yamaha and Venture was their first new bass amp, all a bit underwhelming.
  15. And minding your shirt buttons.
  16. Ask him how long they wait until they decide they must have paid too much.
  17. Pitch Black tuner. Sadly it died and I got a clip on that I have to remember to charge up.
  18. OP rejected a sljghtly smaller footprint Series6 on his back doorstep as too big for the spare room. Rebel without a clue.
  19. It shouldn't be too much drama to take along a folding table to reposition a monitor per the stand above. It's a bluegrass festival so you should be getting sound crew well used to amping DB. I would have the EUB on standby in the car just in case Stage 2 gets the sound guy's nephew who likes a lot of bass.
  20. To set it up propetly you need war volume. Raise the HPF until it sounds like it lacks something and back it away. You should find a good dose of control comes to the bass knob on the amp. If you need a bit of bass knob boost to get the tone you want it will be far slower to cause speaker distress. If your regular tones are quite bass heavy you should be using the bassiest of them to set the HPF. At war volume you will need to be aware for potential overheating. Before you smell it you want to be noticing a drop in volume and responding with lessening the output level not increasing it!
  21. You need a HPF. Possibly that is all you need.. Takjng out the flabby frequencies leaves power and power handling for Aftrica, to get quite a lot louder.
  22. Reconing the Kappa might be cost effective.
  23. I thought you were considering Round2 with a new one.
  24. Check the design notes supplied by Eminence for the Kappa. It's a bit of a sledgehammer for that little box. Might be better to run it sealed. You could also check if your mate's one has had a substitution.
  25. For me that would be a nobrainer, to keep the modularity.
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