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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. When inbuilt it is usually called a rumble filter or subsonic filter, just a HPF by a different name. If you are TC it is robustly ignored in all literature as it is very much higher than everyone else's non adjusting HPF. Afaik Genzler, Mesa, and one or two very boutique brands chocka with onboard processing, are the only ones with adjustable HPF. If you can push your string and watch the speaker move there is no filter.
  2. Got on the tunable HPF train with the amps. Afaik the last amps sold without a subsonic filter were the vintage SWRs. It's a few cents worth of parts to HPF the signal going to the power stage. Cf big expensive parts to HPF the speaker signal.
  3. There's a thread for recommended techs stickied in Repairs forum.
  4. Click bait 'journal'ism.
  5. Various websites claim there are booths at airports where you can claim back your VAT paid. Maybe they are staffed by Russians, the websites and booths both. The UK GOVT site promises much but turns out to only address Northern Ireland shoppers leaving to a non EU country. Pretty sure unless it's the Russians you can take along your own version of the proper form for the retailer to fill out. Pay them VAT. Then claim your refund at the border. The retailer does not have to 'participate' but I think they would be ok filling in your form.
  6. Not sure 500w of TC is worth the sticker excitement but with 4 ohm worth of cabinet(s) should make plenty of noise enough to keep up with a drummer. The key to cabs making noise with watts is their broadband sensitivity. Cabinet makers make up even bigger stories about what "wattage" their cabs handle. A 2 cab solution can be handy for relatively low volume situations allowing a single cab. Some expensive 8 ohm single 12 cabs will do enough with the nominal 250 watts from most 500w amps. TC infamous for massively overstating theirs. 2 of the same cabs will always work well together.
  7. Pretty sure if you email Ampeg they will tell you the 4 ohm tap will be happy as Larry with the 312 2.67ohm stack.
  8. To go with your sequined spats.
  9. Good prospects as each monitor will only need a fraction of the volume if placed well.
  10. A stethoscope would be handy to narrow down which general area is loudest.
  11. Is that blocks glued to each side of the body? I assume spreading the load so the aluminum won't punch out over time? I was reading a bit about them. Spruce bass bar? Glued or screwed?
  12. The cab will have a similar amount of poke as your old 210AV. Amp not so much but with another cab you should be quite ok and could even find it unnecessary. Trace used very sensitive drivers. You could only have used a fraction of the old amp output into the old cab before it would start crying foul.
  13. Indifference. Too many dreamy musicians employed in music shops is your problem. Imagine the airhead bandmates we complain about in threads here being your employees and customers.
  14. Congratulations! Nice to be wanted. Time to learn a bunch of new tunes. This must have been a Thursday night for you as it's Saturday morning here. Better learn that bunch of new songs even more quickly. You don't want to get predictable to that smaller pool of Thursday pubgoers / your burgeoning fanclub.
  15. Can someone please do the Photoshop, beards and guitars would be great, and see if he can't get it then?
  16. All I know about fancy schmancy actives is local sound co has a fleet of the OP ones so I heard them a few times. They sound F N good to me. Mostly I am asking them to be turned down a bit. I helped them load out once so I can say they are light enough. Since OP can't point to lacking anything I can now be sure this has been a gas exorcism.
  17. You mentioned a acoustic guitar gig, double duty as FOH I assumed.
  18. All's well that ends well I guess. One slip with the fork would have put a dent in your f hole*. *Not some thing to repeat at a dinner party.
  19. You two look like the only thing missing is a couple of ginger beards.
  20. I wouldn't worry. If they were too simple to parse your actual words they could have been quite chuffed that they got some forthright interaction all the same.
  21. Being happy with pretty good is a good place to be. Methinks you have got the gas. Otherwise you will have to define what is missing from your monitor sound or your FOH sound that you feel could be improved.
  22. Outdoors level is basically dance level indoors, unless you want that weedy "little village band playing outdoors" sound. Plan for that and you should be ok for anything that comes along including the kickarse bass guitar rig but also adding keys etc. In favour of sub, only need small tops instead of do it all tops. Most of the time everything cruises but if you need more they can really shout. Unleash the big dog up to 120hz.
  23. Six Rounds has a dual piezo with a balancer for rockabilly slapping the fingerboard. I reckon whacking the body would come through the bridge well enough as they are pretty intimately connected. Might need a volume pedal if that's feasible ie "plays bass, breaks into percussion solo, plays bass".
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