I am pretty sure that is absolute peanuts compared to when the figure was set. Could be wrong.
Our IRD is far more crafty and defines business as anything you do regularly that turns a profit. No definition of regular!
What's a good and cheap vintage looking vocal mic? Love the look of the old school stuff that used to sit on a pedestal stand for the vocalist to pivot around.
Had a gig in a cocktail bar that liked to get rowdy with a DJ later. My PA cab and amp went on top of their massive overkill 2x18 sub and my little sub went on the other side in the other corner. No wukin' furries.
Point being subs like being up against walls and particularly in corners. Then they run really low power as the boundary reinforcement gets free dB.
Just put your subs to one side or the other and be far enough from the rear wall that you don't have a gnarly 1/4 wavelength cancellation. At 14ft out you get another reinforcement at 80hz which is the breadbasket of your kickdrum.
One side of the room will be more bassy than than the other but not enough that anyone consciously notices.
Akg P2 is a bargain for anything not needing high end. Bass cab, kick drum no problem.
As much as I dislike B'ringer the XM8500 is a very acceptable substitute for SM58 that is cheap as chips.
The EQ Balance control is a thing of beauty when you are doing covers that include reggae. One little twist gives you a fat dubby tone that still sounds like a bass, and goes straight back to where you had it for the next tune.
I'd have the 250w one myself just because I know no gig where those 250w wouldn't be enough. Neither is going to get you the sounds of the valve one.
Prices seem high compared with UK where old Trace stuff is hard to give away. Must be something they are putting in the water that makes young folk unable to lift 14kg of amp these days.
Most dirt pedals invert the phase on the return. This puts your blend into cancellation at the crossover frequency and the remaining lows, as the LS2 has no phase switch.
In and out sounds like a dud patch cable. You'll tear your hair out trying to find which one, or you'll find it with the 1st wiggle. If you can't find it then it's a dud pedal on the blink. Good luck with that.
The OP made the one post and left. Never returned. The last person to do this was one SanFrancisco so I coined the situation of the members posting uselessly to an ingrate "SansFransicoed".
We have again been SansFransicoed.
Your opinion carries no weight as it is non specific. Have you ever heard a BF 12 given some welly? I have. Made me question why anyone would buy a 410 these days.
Experienced people who have never had the well informed advice not to do 1 IEM.
One plug is not so bad but really you shouldn't be doing that either if it's loud.