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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. The plastic cased version is a fair bit less expensive than the one linked.
  2. SansFransicoed.
  3. Must be, because I have always had the same problem as OP.
  4. There will be a "dealing with amps and cabs on stage" sticky in here soon enough. How weird would that be?
  5. There was only one voice for it being a sub forum, yours. Please see about getting it upgraded. Eventually the amps and cabs forum will die off to a stub of the PA forum as the younger members adopt IEM silent stages. May as well prepare for it now.
  6. Highpass all mics, aside from kickdrum, as high as you can get away with. Defo get all stage monitor amps pointed at owners' heads but not up mic pattern window. Stage volume will evaporate like nobodies business. Stop letting anyone freehand their mic if they can't control where it's pointing, front AND back.
  7. New one on me. 7 - Grateful Dead 2nd mic taped to first wired opposite polarity into the desk. Reminds singist they better sing into one or the other or they won't be heard.
  8. If there's a slot in the cello post similar to the violin one that might have taken the aluminium back in the day. Dunno if that is such a good idea as it would chew up the slot for the real tool. Watch the video.
  9. I always said it should stand alone. Under Gear. Just look at how many threads got shifted in that were started in August. It's worthy.
  10. Who's going to email Pyramid? Should be @Smanth and get a couple of free sets.
  11. Obviously a lot more going on than I can envisage and a complete waste of your time trying to describe to me sorry. Loosing the plot at T shape and not seeing the orientations, all clouded by how I think a piece of aluminum channel strip looks and how I think I might do it with a piece of string.... Looking forward to the picture. Btw most of the sketches I post are done at work on back of an envelope and phone does the rest.
  12. Can you make a sketch of your gizmo because I can't 'see' it. I know what aluminium channel looks like but past that it's not computing.
  13. As it never came to light while the Beatles were all alive I think it's gone for good. Whoever nicked it stashed it away got old and died and it either got flogged off as just another bass put back to righthanded, or chucked on the fire.
  14. It's demo'd on a cutaway cello so I am guessing not so different on a bass either. Definitely not unscrewing your bass! You need to know where it is supposed to go, and the prepped tool, bass size. And the kahunas. No screwdriver.
  15. It's unlikely you can swap some wires around a multi purpose transformer. If it had one I think Trace would have given it the switch too. You're going to need a tech to sort you out. Probably needs a new transformer.
  16. Microscopically less cluttered now with a stub off the complete wrong forum. Sheesh. What'ts the problem with doing the right thing here?
  17. It's not the tuner diameter per se but the fact the whole string is going around the peg rather than the core only part. The core is the bit that is under the big tension and the windings are relatively simply along for the ride to add the mass. Having the E windings wrapped around the peg puts a strain on that's not supposed to.be there.
  18. Then you get crooks wandering the street looking for buddied devices so they can swipe the good stuff and shove it in a chickenwire sack to shut it up.
  19. Could almost be worth having another device in the car that the tag is happy being buddies with so it doesn't squawk.
  20. Send them that photo and they can rejig it and send you another one.
  21. I'd say the problem is the string is too long and it can't survive being bent around the skinny uke tuner peg with the big slot for the big fat rubber strings. They need to make them just long enough to go over the nut so you only wind on the skinny section of string like you do on a regular BG.
  22. How far do you, meaning your phone, and precious have to get apart before your phone pings? That could get annoying at times when out and about with bass in boot.
  23. At least we're all agreed and it should get moved by a proper big stick mod some time today.
  24. If you look at my list..... it is indeed a GEAR forum listed under Amps in the same level.
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