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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. A lot of sound jockeys will try to insist on putting your instrument straight to their DI. Yeah, nah.
  2. Good luck. If it was me I'd make a snake for it. Even if you remote switched it you'd still have two cables, one multi strand for your remote and one for your bass.
  3. No logic. An original band with no PA in my hood would be a mere studio project not a gigging band. Did they need to be gigging? No. But man that's the only logic in not needing a PA.
  4. There was a Commando on the stage for me at one gig. I think it may have been a 15 but not sure, it didn't say. Defo an older version of the OP's. Iirc there was a line out going to FOH DI box or it might have been the amp DI. We did a few numbers for a sound check shake down and then left for dinner. Kid band had the slot before us at the gig. I was afraid he had blown it up as bass was coming over distorted to hell. Kids. Their band wasn't as loud as ours by a long shot. Thankfully there was no distortion coming out of it when I plugged in.
  5. What's BS is the difficulty in obtaining an export tax credit for the exporter so the sale price is reduced. Commercial sellers can and do get a massive advantage on this.
  6. If Dakota is code for dead duck then @hiram.k.hackenbacker's list is way off base in my world. 'Sally has long had it's day but the rest are still popular.
  7. Btw, for my most sucessful band I had a pedalboard that could land the space shuttle if it was reprogrammed for that. We played original music through my PA. Vive la difference!
  8. This. A variety show is absolutely fine but every tune best be a crowd pleaser. Trial and error may well be working out for you if you're still working 6 gigs in. I suspect the members trying to push the sets one way or the other only joined up wanting to do that style in the first place.
  9. Absolutism fails again. Or do you post this kind of thing just to get a rise? Originals bands with no PA would never get out of their band leaders' studio round here.
  10. Alive and kicking, because I keep forgetting to add a patch lead to my go bag for my tuner.
  11. Saying what you see as value in the Sire range that is not met by Fender would help folks to help you. Hell, I might even flip my Fender for one and profit if they are all that great.
  12. What's wrong with Fender 5's that gets fixed by putting a Sire badge and funny looking headstock on one. Price?
  13. Knockoff speakons are infamous for getting stuck inside gear and causing damage. Avoid.
  14. PM the man. Everything else is noise.
  15. Could be following an "honesty is the best policy" in the hope that it grabs attention. A Fender Rumble100 doesn't look or spec like it should be able to make a dent in a wet paper bag but I could do plenty of gigs with one.
  16. That's awesome. Especially the muso crowd showing up. If you feel like a mid week gig you could host an open mic every week. Get those guys a complimentary beverage when they show and get them on. Shouldn't be a hard sell for you to the landlord. This gets you a high standard of jammers that makes your life easy as hosts.
  17. Aside from grounding messed up you have the problem that when the pedal is off it's inverted.
  18. Ls2 has no phase adjustment. Distortions and chorus commonly return 180° out. Bad juju blending.
  19. Late in but dang, dremmelling faux screw head into remainder has to be the worst advice ever read. The remainder is sheared off at the body or inside. By the time the slot is cut there's less than half the metal section left that already gave way and the body has slots too. Snowball's chance of any of that plan coming together. Ditto punching anything out (the wrong way through virgin neck material, huh?%#*!) Wangling the neck off the remaining stubs after the other screws are out might work. Plug cutting will work.
  20. So I had to Google it and the circus was indeed founded by 5 of 7 Ringling brothers, from..........Baraboo Wisconsin, who knew?!!? Anyone wanna bet Al stayed home and built a theater instead?
  21. I don't think the bace is intended as an acoustic instrument any more than a hollow body electric guitar is an acoustic.
  22. Al being the stay at home black sheep of the family?
  23. While we're at it steam rollers don't roll steam either. But yeah. No easy fix not involving fixing the amplifier.
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