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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. When push comes to shove that's all your headroom used up in keeping up. The difference between having some headroom and no headroom is more significant than the 3dB that is not there with half the watts. 210 cab shouldn't be much difference in ultimate loudness because 1000w up it is not going to get used. The wrong lightshow is more reliable as an indicator something is amiss.
  2. The traditional additional inducement to play on a big stage in front of a big crowd is a wad of cash. Maybe your bandmates are right and you are too niche for the main stage? Nobody wants to cause exodus. You seem to think you can hold a crowd. You will have to convince them that is the case.
  3. B as in bow or B string? He does a 5 string.
  4. Bit of major overkill. It must have been hardly even idling. Unsafe for anyone's hearing if it had been cranked up fo' shua.
  5. That's why I was wondering about RT's end. Metallica Inc makes a helluva lot of profit out of shows and merch. Gig fees and touring allowances is small beer so for him to be living large he would need some kind of percentage on the profits. That was my point. 1M wouldn't last long.
  6. Can you retrace your steps to figure what loose connection got fixed by your poking around? It's very unusual for a non working amp to come back from the dead, aside from the odd tube reseating and fx loop bypasses which don't apply here.
  7. If I was up for 1M to join a top tier touring band maybe I already made a few quid playing in other projects? As I haven't, that 1M would be going in the bank and I'd still be staying in motels etc. But I would buy some nice shirts to wear on stage. I'd say the 1M was for woodshedding all the back catalogue and making himself available. It doesn't go far once you start spending it like you're a rockstar, so I wonder what his rake for the rest of the work is worth.
  8. The fact that cleaning was done with no complaint made gives the store no incentive to up their game, ie acceptable to ship grime. Get a grip your good self.
  9. By not packing it up and returning it you contributed de facto to making it acceptable.
  10. Yep. That'll do it.
  11. Also stows in bass case or gig bag.
  12. Keep internal dimensions. One good face will be fine so long as there are no defects that buzz under the influence of bass.
  13. Not familiar with your definition. Over here it would be treated with an anti fungal but not necessarily of the kind of knot free structure you want for cabs.
  14. Gig report please.
  15. I spy a potential rattle there, unless your adhesive is the expanding kind, that gap at the front of the top brace may struggle to set solid.
  16. If I had a dollar.....
  17. Today I beat Bassman Paul to the news. It may be a corroded fx loop interrupt switch. Plugging a spare lead into the loop restores signal. Send goes back to return. Or could be a tube but try the patch lead first.
  18. Today's the big day!
  19. I was surprised to learn Keanu Reeves is a bassist in his spare time. Lead actor you would think guitar hero would be first calling.
  20. Mic technique aka Mic Control, very likely lacking.
  21. OP could go that way and have an agreed heavy depreciation schedule. Another way to do it is have the PA as a virtual member of the band. PA gets a half share or something appropriate which goes to the member who takes care of it to cover storing transporting and maintaining. It doesn't cover load in load out and setting the bastard up.
  22. I bet she is a mic hog. Mic hogs use all the gain they can get out of the mic and then overpower it in their strong register. If the engineer lowers the gain so they don't blow it out then they are left lacking down low. Mic control. Mic control. Mic control. Singers' dynamic range is higher than what the electronics can reproduce, something's gotta give. No mic control, no free fully transparent compression.
  23. I believe they are some very boutiquey ones, not pots so much as knob position indicators? Tech21 will set you straight.
  24. So long as you can practice "less is more" with the go button on the rattle can you can avoid the dreaded runs. I have sprayed the odd thing, nothing fancy like a guitar and it's definitely not as easy as he makes it look. A bit of practice on a piece of cardboard first would be a good idea. 'You can always do another coat. You can't take it off again without sanding it.'
  25. Where it gets messy is when the front mouth goes off doing solo/duo stuff with the band's PA.
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