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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. The BF 10 is a solid 200w driver and BF rate the cab as fiine for 500w so long as it stays clean. Fully distorted a 135w tube amp is 270w of howling misery so not going to bother a BF 210.
  2. Alex will be quite interested in how you managed to blow up anything BF with 135W.
  3. Turn it up until you get to where another bump up sounds barely any louder. Turn it back down a nudge. If that isn't loud enough there you need more cab. Putting the cab up on a chair or angling it up to you from the floor can make a big difference to your ability to monitor yourself with less FOH disturbance.
  4. After they banned BassmanPaul I thought I better leave it alone for a bit before I got the ban hammer too. B.P. is the most mild mannered gent you could hope to meet.
  5. Tbf if you poke a couple of vintage JBL 15's with 50w they will get quite loud. With 500w you will get barely any louder but wind uo with a smoking pile of rubble if you aren't careful.
  6. When you see a guitar player doing that it is because their intonation is way out of whack.
  7. How come the two on the end look like cats with cream and the middle two like someone is puking in their shoe and mostly missing?
  8. Lots of people gig with a Trace Elf that only has 160w into a 8 ohm cab. There's no a guarantee that a 500w amp will suffice but I would not want to be in the same pub if it was required. One thing to keep in mind when scoping out gear is the volume knob position is a poor indicator for how much of the amp is being used. Many amps are at full noise by the 4th indent with most of the action occurring between 0 and 3.
  9. That was one of the best Mythbusters projects. A wall of outdoor concert subwoofers and diapers.
  10. Still standing.
  11. Nec week on TalkPolka; "Some fecker stole my accordion case and left the accordion, what depraved fecker would do that?"
  12. Should be fine taking the lead from the desk to house DI and plugging it into yours. Not really any point to going bass, your DI, their DI, desk.
  13. So, the cabs ran out of headroom; or the amp ran out of headroom? Either way rehearsal is way louder than needs be.
  14. Probably the Sumo has insufficient HPF, or none at all.
  15. I think if you plugged in a 250W Trace Elliot amp, which is around 160w @8 ohm, it would get very very loud. Try your current amps out before over thinking it.
  16. Another Stagg starter. I kinda wish I had kept it. The purists can say it sounds like a giant fretless all they like. It sounded very DB to me so long as I kept the mwah under control.
  17. Win! I'll take itchy hypersensitive over dead any day. They must have done a spot on job of reattaching it.
  18. Ensure the combo jack follows the tip positive speaker outward motion convention. Aka 9v test.
  19. I bought a clip on tuner. But only because my pedal tuner died. Still in!
  20. Bill will tell you not to build that for bass guitar. It is a home audio enhancement device. Bass cabs may say they go to 35hz but it's almost never 35hz that you can hear.
  21. Forget combos unless it is combo plus extension and trolley.
  22. I did a bit of small venue sound for other bands once upon a time. "Turn up the vocals!!!" Me, pointing to desk of just single fader for vocalist engaged and redlined output. "Feck they are loud aye!" Me, nods.
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