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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Your guitar player isn't playing SHA right. The bass bops along with many intricacies that only go with the corresponding rhythm guitar work.
  2. Looks even cleaner than advertised. Score. Mind out you don't break it playing with two guitarists. It will get louder up to about 4, so long as you don't have too much low end in the EQ. Low EQ sliders are there for cutting not boosting. If you RTFM it should say something along those lines, much like my later model. Adding another cab will give you a fright if you jump right in at 4.
  3. If you're going down that road you need to get routine that involves always having one or the other connected to the amp. Failure means you turn on and no sound comes out. If you keep playing trying to figure it out you will be frying your precious tube amp.
  4. Has to be the process as it gets reported. You couldn't play that far ahead if you tried!
  5. Singer has some good pipes to be banging that out at the end of the night.
  6. Might be a parallel blend?
  7. Pines for 300w valve head / worries about fan noise. Does not compute.
  8. You need to be careful ordering birch that it is actual birch ply and not just veneer.
  9. Not really true. Some folks list their stuff pickup only. If they sell it to someone who is prepared to risk shipping in a standard guitar export box then it's the buyer's lookout. Manufacturers ship in cheesy boxes because they can get away with it. The guitars go out in bulk so each protects the other and in any case the risk is limited to their cost of manufacturing and shipping. Merchants on sell in the same cheesy box because it's not worth the candle for them to repack and their cost is limited to their cost of supply. The cheesy box economy falls over at the used end and it is worth repacking.
  10. I think a 110 is only going to work for a very quiet band. A 210 will work for a lot of UK bands that aren't hell raisingly loud just doing vocal PA. Unamped drums with guitarists that are onboard is the new world order. As for monitoring and going through the PA... all power to you if the 110 is pointed up to your ears, drummer can still get a feel, while it doesn't mess up FOH sound.
  11. I would look sideways at any guitarist that brought 3 guitars to a GTKY jam. If you aren't taking any amplification I suppose a just in case fretless would be ok to carry in or leave in car.
  12. The economics of shipping used cheap basses without a case points squarely at doing it differently next time. Taking the neck off and packing a much smaller box makes it cheaper shipping and very much harder to do any damage.
  13. If we accept that Ampeg are selling us a bass cab and not a mid cab then I don't think it's wrong to infer SPL from sensitivity and power handling by assuming the xmax is available. When the assumption fails we get the accusation of spec fudging.
  14. I guess we are really talking about whether or not Ampeg is telling us useless information in their table. It is not unreasonable to use their RMS number and sensitivity to derive SPL but it could be we are being lead to telling ourselves a lie. It used to be said that Ampeg were better than most with their RMS power handling numbers well related to actual bass guitar signals.
  15. Probably just unhooked the blown driver.
  16. That's down to your MIL and her bank. The average American over here was waving away before Covid. These days maybe 1 in 50 still has to sign.
  17. Believing the claimed power handling from the table you get the "theoretical" max SPL very easily, is what Itu was getting at.
  18. Good choice. Barefaced do their x10 cabs with one side doing only lows so don't suffer the beaming of highs and lumpy mids off axis.
  19. Surely you should be encouraging those with a surfeit of luscious P basses to list one for your temporarily vaguely embarrassed mate to potentially acquire?
  20. Vinyl stretches so if I was you I'd persevere for a bit. Taking off the skid rails, probably not a bad plan unless you are taking off the cover and then skidding it up on stage.
  21. Maybe, but in general they have caught up on contactless paying in a big way thanks to Covid.
  22. You couldn't buy half the parts for that! Poor man's Barefaced Super Twin.
  23. Too much power can blow up your speaker or make you deaf. It really comes down to how very loud your bandmates are. Back in the day I had a pretty similar amount of firepower as the GK combo you listed last. It was only just enough for the gig. A second cabinet would have been the solution. Instead we had to play a little quieter than geetarboy would have liked, which was no bad thing as we were hell loud for a bar room anyway. You get a lot louder with twice as many speakers compared with twice as many watts in the amp.
  24. GR is doing well. I would mind the hype. 110 combo as a rehearsal amp, sure. As a gig amp, limited applications.
  25. The old 15's had great sensitivity at the expense of much low bass. You would need a couple to get close to drum set volume. My experience of a Marshall 50w guitar head from the 80's through a single 15 was absolutely uninspiring. A 50w Bassman of the NZ variety sounded great but not enough poke at gig volume. In Aussie you have the Holdens which are very similar. All in all I fail to see the appeal of 50w tube amps for bass unless your band has a quiet stage and a full PA with mics on everything.
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