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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Floating thumb felt wrong for a lot more than a few hours but it's just so damn handy that I persevered.
  2. Not what I said. You made a leap from cure of dubious symptom to cause. Let it go.
  3. No. It's the just the lows that drop out and only mathematically. The result is the low notes have no oomph while the speakers move like crazy. That causes distortion best case and mechanical damage if not careful. "Buzz" + "no lows" is entirely consistent with miswired speaker. Could be there's a dud speaker there that caused the replacing in the first place? Do a battery test on them for a start. A blown speaker has a similar effect to one that is miswired, moving opposite to the working one in the lows, and good potential for buzzing too.
  4. The buzz was described as occurring when trying to get some lows. Any amount of turning up is liable to cause driver conniptions when one is pushing while the other pulls in the same cabinet. The tuning is shot to hell with overexcursion happening at a fraction of the nominal power handling. Instead of the power being applied to making lows it goes instead to making its cab mate fly in the opposite direction, and vice versa, while the combined audio output in front sums to zero.
  5. Stop you from cranking it up endlessly to no good effect. +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 = zero but also +6 -6 JB kept going to 11.
  6. I believe the UK term is "chancer". Good job getting him to "bog off", must have been before eBay went full "buyer is king, private sellers not our thing".
  7. Methinks you have not experienced premium 3/8" plywood artfully braced cabinets.
  8. Overkill bass isn't possible in a punk trio. You just become the arbiter of the allowable.amount of overkill if you manage to force the other two to ask you to turn down. Being that a BF610 has a goodly amount of sensitivity along with a goodly amount of power handling you might well ascend.
  9. A very dodgy assertion. It depends on the band and the gig. A rock band with real drums would drown it out but playing with unamplified acoustic stringed instruments you would be barely cracking it open. My 50w amp was lusciously fine at rehearsals but lost it at gigs. Goldilocks is a fickle little so and so.
  10. It sounds like you haven't caught the gist of the suck and blow warning. Swapping the leads on the one speaker will very likely it will cure it. Having one speaker pushing lows while the other is pulling lows kills the low end dead. The effect is much less noticeable on the highs.
  11. Getting the full fee back isn't at issue, it's losing the low fee deal on the listing, or possibly having it refreshed.
  12. Puts out like a fridge but pick it up with one hand if necessary.
  13. Or rip guts from RH case and put back cut and bodged with the lid as the bottom?
  14. Any generic style of LH case?
  15. Car crashes on both sides of the highway, for the non UK contributors.
  16. They fail to mention they are selling a photo of a guitar.
  17. Either way the pound has appreciated against the Euro. What really matters is the Yuan.
  18. You mean the one that introduces the Ebay weird stuff you don't want to buy thread?
  19. I think there's a misfire in this system. Sometimes stuff I already posted comes up for editing. It always involves a quote.
  20. Without distortion there can be no saturation so I really have no idea what you are on about.
  21. Answered already already!
  22. I believe anything of quality that is called a side cutter will do the job. You need one with a big enough set of handles that gives you the leverage on the mouth to snip. Find a place selling tools to tradesmen and tell then what you need to cut. Stainless steel cable. You might pay a little more than 'HomeDepot" but it will be a one time purchase.
  23. 9999/10000 daisy chaining IS running in parallel.
  24. So long as your cab is sensitive enough and your volume requirement relatively modest you can get a great range of tones from an Elf. I wouldn't describe them as vintage Trace due to the inherent warmth whereas my SMX only does clean clean clean and an itsy bitsy bit of warm from the valve being on 100% blend. The TransitB has the dual compressors of the SMX and a bunch of EQ that should surely get you very close to anything you can reasonably slide and dial up on an SMX. Then it has a drive blend section for MOAR. @TheGreek I would expect you could set the Elf input gain quite low and use the TransitB to get the full Trace tone experience albeit with less wattage out but with overdrive option. Plugging the TransitB up the backside of bigger amps is going to be the full Trace massage.
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