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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Plywood best. MDF if needs must. MDF sawdust is very toxic. Make absolutely sure your bolts won't contact the amp guts when it's assembled. If there's any doubt, the best way to do that is match thicknesses and use the original bolts.
  2. I am a student of the school of "only ever a semi tone away from a right note" myself.
  3. Got some examples? In my experience I never thought about "what bass with amp X" or "what amp for bass X". I chose both for their own qualities never once considering how the amp might react differently to another amp with the same bass or vice versa. All my amps have had sufficient input impedance to accept piezos and I don't run stereo.
  4. Bears repeating, clear your cache, do the 'device optimising' thing and reboot the phone.
  5. Cut down a heavy duty cardboard box and cover with duct tape. It will be strong enough to act as a cab stand. Reinforcing the top would make it strong enough to act as cab stand and stool for yourself.
  6. A blob of thermoplastic should hold it together. Heat up to recycle most if not all of it before changing strings. You could even do a single blob to span all the string ends and tidy it right up.
  7. Far out, that's the biggest 'giveaway' deal ever seen.
  8. https://www.headlessusa.com/string-adaptrrs pretty reasonable pricing.
  9. Steinberger supply one with their 5 string Spirit basses. Maybe it fits a Hohner?
  10. Not really. At home alone there are no competing sounds so your relatively low volume smiley sounds are complete and wonderously bassy. Throw in the band and the tonal information in the bass mids is smothered.
  11. I am also not an amp tech. I surmise the anp must have been sending DC to the speaker to get it smoking as you describe. I would be very surprised if any of it is now worth salvaging.
  12. Yay for stuff that lasts 36 years swinging around. My first strap lock fell off.
  13. Never stand right in front of your room filling rig! I was doing a pub gig and all over a sudden my sound goes to hell in a hand basket. Turn around and the sax player has parked himself where you are standing. Possibly not applicable to your gig if the PA is putting forth bass, but that's a mighty big monitor.
  14. They say "never meet your heroes". Thankfully "they" are wrong sometimes.
  15. Go for gold mate. One post per year and a bit tempers the enthusiasm though.
  16. Ideally find someone to help you set up your 'new' bass. Every used bass I ever got was poorly intonated just for starters. Seems the larger number of bassists are fully incompetent in his area so choose a helper wisely. There's an old Trace Elliot combo in the classifieds for £150 that would cover a lot of gigging. Used gear all the way.
  17. My phone does similar, but in the vertical plane, when it's getting time for a cache clear out and reboot.
  18. The combo was designed with more of a hifi set of sensibilities. It looks like it has a 10" speaker so if you turn it up too far it will get quite punk, before you break it. To give it the respect it deserves you should find its limits without the extension cab. Then when the extension is added it will just get a helluva lot louder. So long as you don't crank on it any harder the combo will survive. I think it would be loud enough for my punk band but maybe not for your punk band. Wear ear plugs or you will go deaf. The 1513 is a sweet little cab so worth grabbing this rig for both its parts individually at the very least.
  19. Jeebus. Just put the tuner after the A/B box, per the first response. /thread
  20. @Buckminster Emptier best don some mittens and read all the above a few times before going back to your manual and joining the dots.
  21. But what was the percentage? At that stage MJ was already a proven talent. I doubt anyone knows the tradeoff considered between guaranteed $$ and potential $$$$ or $$$$$$ depending on whether it hit small or big AND the percentage.
  22. I don't see anything demeaning towards the unfortunates who have had the poor experiences.
  23. Exacerry! (If I had thought of your analogy first I would have written it 11.44pm and 23.57). Who is to know which was the unmisconverted spec?
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