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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Yes. But when they play it any old how it runs into the traditional bass part not in a good way. The challenge is to play a bass riff that invokes the original with almost no notes in their original positions.
  2. Where do you live? There's bound to be a BC neighbour who will give you a demo.
  3. Mustang can be played with any guitar strum. Handy as most singtardists can't be bothered copping the famous versions. Leaves bass having to improvise a a new riff also. Quite fun if you are into that sort of thing.
  4. Follow up not that cat's forte.
  5. With any luck your 4 ohm cab can be reconfigured as 16ohm for it to use the 16ohm tap. I would be leery of a single driver being expected to cope with the beast.
  6. It may pay you to get back to the retailer as they have been shipping and selling preorders in the UK for some months already. Sold out at Andertons meanwhile.
  7. You got almost double the power, so +dB 2dB And 2 cabs that are probably higher sensitivity than a Super Compact. If we call them equal then it is +3dB for the second cab. Push comes to shove your rig is 5dB louder than what OP is considering. One time we got to plug in my Trace 15 alongside a BigBaby. The BF cab could quite literally not be heard. Like it was not plugged in! Had to get down on hands and knees to hear anything over the Trace. For every 3dB of increased cab sensitivity you can halve the input power needed for that volume. @30w you need every last drop of sensitivity. Another data point. My SWR 210, not shabby in sensitivity but not quite as loud as the Trace per watt I think. 50 tube watts up that could cover my jazz band reheasing no worries, but gigs is always just bit louder than rehearsing and then it would go into overdrive trying to keep up. Less than ideal.
  8. Feeling thump behind you and having the PA doing most of the work isn't really possible in a pub playing to 50 people. With a 30w amp it shouldn't be an issue though. There's not enough wallop from the amp to provide thunp and have highpassed bass out of the PA. Barefaced 12's are not great sensitivity. They make up for it, and some, by handling a shed load of power. I don't know why everyone conflates loud with a big amp to loud with a teeny tiny amp. If your PA has a subwoofer in it you can mic your 12" and have a great sound. But it won't be thumping behind you.
  9. Not many tube amps come with headphone output. They need their speaker attached or else they go up in smoke. So I think we can scratch tube amps from the list. "All the gear, no idea" is a thing. On the other hand you can't really get to grips with the beast by reading up on it. If you can handle a 12 bar three chord jam in C G E you should get along to your local open jam and introduce yourself. Playing on other people's gear will teach you far more than what you can read off the web.
  10. That is one way forward for sure. Ime the immediacy of headphones is the equivalent of the sharpest headmistress you ever encountered. Every little thing wrong brought sharply to your attention. Great for honing skills when you have some to hone, tough on a raw beginner. Amp plus cab has a lot of win as far as getting serious bang for not a lot of bucks. There is also a lot for carrying carrying the big stick but speaking softly. A bassist with good dynamics can lead the band. A lot of so called musicians in bands fail to remember that there is no loud without quiet. A bass that disappears and reappears can coach a reaction from the drummer and only the worst egotistical guitard will fail to notice he should be dropping down to match in quieter sections. All power to you.
  11. Deserves a post on the sozzled random Ebay purchase thread. Or you have bigger issues. The excuse there is the random thing has no real use to the bassist. Yours is your memory is shot.
  12. Spray glue or paste glue I think. Hot glue not sharing the load around. Staples not friendly to speakers if they get loose. Nothing wrong with the original clamping to reuse.
  13. Dude. Once you get the hang of always playing in time no matter what, it's a whole different world where you are the benevolent King of Bottom End. Then you work on playing way more right notes than wrong ones for your own satisfaction. As you aren't in a band yet I say keep saving so you can join one with a band worthy amp. Don't waste money on a glorified practice amp. My experience with the V3 Rumble 100 is it surprised the hell out of me. It looks like a glorified practice amp but actually has some heft to it. You wouldn't join in with drums and 4x12 guitar stacks but short of that it will cover a lot of bases. If you get a hankering to play in an insanely loud rock band you will be looking for some well used big old gear going cheap. Most people on this forum have some they would happily offload to you.
  14. Mick already has form. Next time in front of a judge he gets a proper sentence. I believe he had a suspended sentence already so that ship has sailed.
  15. Some pubs that do that here have a couple of big footed steel pipe railings strung with banners that can push back to the wall and put out more tables for food service. Yours could be non welded so the feet and rails come apart for throwing in the van.
  16. Bad day at the office left production short of genuine? Someone filched good ones and substituted fakes somewhere along the line? I really doubt they are all like that but it would pay to check your GenzBenz cabinet right away!
  17. The secret Santa must have been thinking you were a proper ingrate when tracking said it was delivered and then... nothing.
  18. Get together and bring a private prosecution. Mate of mine was assaulted in a bar in Brisbane. The cops weren't interested so he engaged a private investigator. The PI put it all together and gave it to the cops to prosecute, or he would.
  19. Quit trading while you are ahead, or rather back where you should have been, in front.
  20. A new one is 849 so I think you are a bit low when it looks mint.
  21. You could fashion a thermoplastic skeletal frame that took in the wings of an RBI and grasped it on each side and carried on up and around a Quilter Bass Block. Throw that in a backpack with your leads and you would.hardly know it was there.
  22. The SansAmp pedals are well below the standard rack preamp level of "line out". If the amp amp isn't known to run on pedals it will be hit and miss if it runs on a BDDI. That is why I suggested using the RBI. Output for Africa on those.
  23. Exactly. One man's reasonably loud band is another's quiet band. Things is, the folks who play in what we would term stupid loud bands are unable to fathom how the rest of the world operates.
  24. You could put a RBI combo style in the front or top-back of the speaker box and strap any little class D amp with fx loop to the top, or even always on inside the box. All power wired from the one jug cord socket input. RBI xlr out. Your choice if the cab has a speakon parallel AMP out or not but you wouldn't ever plug another amp into it.
  25. You cannot be serious. Half the elves on the planet probably drive 8 ohm cabs in bands.
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