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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. All options in one and mysteriously still for sale.
  2. I saw a pedal steel web forum where the guy had goosed the bass, left the mids more or less noon but still a little up, and boosted the highs to blazes all supposedy to make his Elf "flat". Presumably with the gain down to compensate for all the boosting it might not be a million miles away, because science?
  3. I don't see it like that at all. I see a response tailing off below 80hz, a small bump at 150hz and a bigger dip at 400hz, taking the 'zero' at "36". Are those dB volts or watts being plotted?
  4. Would settle for the noon response chart.
  5. What's the 'flattest' you can get an Elf?
  6. That will get you into some very nice P's. I think there may still be a very nice natural blonde Mexican P Deluxe in the classifieds for a lot less than 1200. Turning off the preamp makes it a standard P with a slimmer than usual neck. Turning on the preamp makes it an active J bass with a P neck pickup that you can still solo and you have three band EQ to boot. Kinda a must have a go on kind of thing.
  7. The website keeps crashing out on my browser but what Insaw looked good.
  8. TC is boycotted after the "sounds like X watts" nonsense. Being part of B'ringer's tribe now only seals the deal. A Korg Pitchblack works AOK and actually a tad better than when I have the full pedalboard in service.
  9. A tremendous amount of work goes on to put a plane in the air and get it back on the ground safely that has zero to do with the pilot.
  10. If Leszek has a stoner friend he should rent the space behind his couch for overseas order wood storage. "Specially seasoned" wood sets drug dog off...investigation...no drugs...carry on.
  11. 210 on its end should be very much the same footprint.
  12. You could get a matching fetching green leprechaun outfit to go with.
  13. I saw them when they came out here on tour. The bassist had a slightly shorter then medium scale acoustic bass guitar. It looked all wrong when he could just as easily have played a uke bass.
  14. I never took you for a grammatarian. (autocorrect rejects grammatarian but diligaf)
  15. Iirc nominal flat in 'clock' positions is bass 10, low mid 2, high mid 1, treble 10. Start there. Be very aware that your solo tone, aka 'bedroom tone', is nearly always 'best' with more bass and less mids. In a rock band band mix that becomes a woolly lost mess buried by guitar hero 'bedroom tone' with boosted low end that obliterates the toneful bass mids.
  16. Personally I would be way more interested in the player's groove and sound before being concerned with the try hard relic job. It's so bad it's art in it's own right. Ugly art, but rewind to the start.
  17. No chance of someone sending contraband from UK to Poland = not worth the effort to have a look inside?
  18. Velcro'd to the back of the cabinet?
  19. If it's not loud enough for you to hear yourself properly you should try raising it up before doing anything else.
  20. The ohms limit.
  21. This is standard for a mono amp with parallel outputs. Two 8 ohm cabs = 4 ohms. One 4 ohm cab = ohms.
  22. For completeness, most 500w amps are mono class D, either having a single output speakon jack or a parallel pair, rated for 4 or sometimes 2.6 ohms, sometimes switchable between 4 and 2.6. Sometimes class D amps consist of an internally bridged pair of output stages and a pair of output speakons at whatever rating. A single cable is all that is needed to run one cab with full available power.
  23. ..or some other equally rare dual channel amp which escaped mention in the OP. Rewiring of the cab to full stereo could overcome the possible unlikely issue. Over to OP to clarify.
  24. The amp gives voltage. Power depends on how much load is on it. If it was a tube amp that would be different. In this case the cab is 4 ohms according to the sticky tape note. You might trust it is still what it says it is 15 years later, or investigate further.
  25. Most of the time it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference, but some amps would go poof. Best not to mess with the golden rule of one amp connection to one cab. You'll get all the watts you're going to get with the one cable.
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