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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. I suspect the taper on your master volume is further from linear than some. 30% of the loud knob travel doesn't really tell you very much on any amp. Eg vintage Trace Elliot are about done at '4'/10. Then there's the 'audio taper' that attempts to linearize the power to loudness relationship, or let a bit more out at 2 than it really should in an attempt to get more sales from in store demos. The first 10w are the loudest. The next 90w go to making it twice as loud. If the cabinet would actually use 1000w with any efficiency you could go twice as loud again. But you can't.
  2. If he's a scammer you've probably scared him off already. On the off chance that he isn't a scammer you need him to arrange his own courier and you need to get paid in real money into your real bank account.
  3. Which operator? The ones on the stage can make any unholy racket they like and everyone will blame the guy at the desk when all but the vocals are cut from the FOH.
  4. To be fair, you did ask what we would like. Seems most of us would indeed like the dots. When any reader can do it you'll find your dep pool gets deeper.
  5. Onboard you have ready access to tweakage. This is dangerous stuff as you can readily make a hash of it. Onboard generally requires a battery.
  6. SOP is set your intonation close enough for jazz then tweak truss rod if required before final intonation.
  7. Director's Chair. Pop cushion on seat.
  8. Brave. Does the now missing vintage sticky goo not severely downgrade the vintage mojo value?
  9. No exact about it. You implied leaving it on standby while doing the whole teardown.
  10. I feel for you. Head case MD won't admit any fault. Not much you can do in that situation except plug away and hope he gets his kaka together. It might pay to get another simple DI pedal like a Sansamp as backup that you can sub in.
  11. Doubtful. Standby is there for the purpose of activating the heater circuits of the valves so they are already hot when the preamp juice hits and the magic happens. I reckon the valves would be a fair bit more cooled down if you turned it off after a minute of fan cooling down from war volume and then the natural convection minus further heating.
  12. Hit an open mic as drummer and bassist. Who's the singist?
  13. Grab a couple of tripods for the Mackies and then you might need some longer cabling to plonk the subs together somewhere useful. That should do the trick. Finding a good spot to park subs is complicated by venue requirements which is why the default is the pole under top. If you get a chance to set up and sound check while a joint is empty you can set up a single sub in the middle of the dancefloor. It doesn't have to be loud, play some bass heavy tune and go round the likely perimeter spots where you could actually put your subs. Listen for where the bass blooms the best. Then when you put your subs in that hot spot you get the boomf where you need it on the dancefloor.
  14. Weird. Something I read some time ago made me think he had jumped the pond. Obviously not.
  15. How long have you been kicking around Blighty without coming across a ''Farm Animal & Traditional Tool Item''? There was a chain of ''Animal & Firkin'' pubs that used to sell some pretty good ales. A firkin is a ye olde size of beer barrel. Never heard them mentioned on here. I hope they didn't go bust.
  16. There's a joker on your cross Atlantic forum who does 5 string conversions on 4 string Rics. I think you worry too much. You could sign up and he would help you get your luthier to do one for you, if you dare coping with the reduced string spacing.
  17. Far from unique. SWR were doing parametric in the 90's. Ashdown might be the only surviving major bass amp maker that was doing it but there's a few fancy modern digital modeling amps and preamps these days with parametric up the wazoo.
  18. Where's Mort?
  19. I had to climb down from my usual reading position.
  20. Sounds like this is the voice of experience with this amp. Either way it will serve very well in diagnosis.
  21. That's very insightful. I saw one of Akker Bilk's last gigs in London. It was a freebie at a community art centre. He was lame. I am guessing he really did need the money the city paid, otherwise he was long overdue someone telling him to take up bowls.
  22. ^ Pay close attention to this. If it's not this then something is broken, possibly a result of said low EQ abuse. There's an easy test you can make on any cab with a 1/4" input jack. 9V battery applied across the exposed cable end, tip +ve, will make the speakers pop out when the -ve hits the cable shaft. All going well it will give you a big fright with the bang it makes. If one or two stay still or move backwards you have miswired or broken speakers.
  23. This. Possible your cabinets are incompatible with one another. Plug in the 410. It should be plenty plenty loud all by itself. If adding the 210 makes it less loud or less clear you can forget that plan.
  24. It's branded TE by Peavey made in China so the link is mainly green. They sound pretty good with good heft for 200w.
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