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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. If you're busting up Barefaced cabs I'd say you'll be doing same with CF sooner or later. Horses for courses an' all. 8mm ply is a lot tougher than CF across the grain.
  2. Only my recollection of Agedhorse's story told on another forum. My first mention of it on this thread was noticed by the man himself so you can take it as fact.
  3. No, but I know how fragile carbon fibre over foam is when loaded across the carbon plane, as opposed to its panel strength and stiffness.
  4. How so? Accidents happen. Never caught a foot on an uneven surface? Spare a thought for a cab foot secured by a screw into a CF panel. Like I said, horses for courses. If you can be sure of babying it everywhere it goes CF is da bomb. If not, it's going to get ugly.
  5. Those old ones weigh about same as a Marshall Jubilee 410 but bigger. Two of us moved one up one very old single flight single story stair climb once. It was scary for the fact it could have killed someone if it had gotten away on us. Yeah, I am all the way on the other side of it. It's about 50/50 for mod cons on stage. We are majorly reamed on new gear prices down here. A lot comes in by private import by my estimation. Internet used sales rarely say ''NZ new''.
  6. I'm talking about the handful of Basschatters here railing against the world.
  7. Which variant? The late model one with the 12'' gave me a big surprise when I found out it was holding down the pub with no PA support. Contrast that with the truly horrid sounds a 115 combo had given all bands at a festival a couple of years bC. You may as well haul your rig down. Worst case you have to quickly change canoe. Messy but not the end of the world. If you think that would result in never getting another gig there better save it for another day when you can test out war volume with no consequences.
  8. Got any proper test data? Nope, it's all anecdotal preferences. On the other hand there is one well known trial where nobody could tell the two apart despite insistence that the class D was not worthy of the brand. There's a bazillion Class D amps out there thumping away happily and a handful of non believers raging against the Diabolicalness with nothing but their preferences.
  9. Agedhorse might have some 500w frequency response curves to change some minds?
  10. You have concluded without due consideration of all the variables. Removing variables results in a different conclusion!
  11. The material is inherently weak across the panel when subjected to impacts. So long as it doesn't cop a drop or a smack it's fine but woe betide an accident. It is also inherently unsuitable for attaching anything to it with a screw. Go figure. Sure it makes for a super light cab but it's inherently unable to stand up to being smacked around. Horses for courses applies.
  12. You can't A/B anything in a gig. Very hard to do in a rehearsal without determination and help. Real world trial bears naught on the actual issue which is people putting differences down to the class of power amp.
  13. You're talking around the issue. All blind testing afaik has yielded the same results as Agedhorse's GenzBenz team. There is no audible difference between clean running Class D and Class A/B. Btw, blind/blindfold refers to the lack of knowledge of what the subject is playing through, not literal blindfolds. Whatever you are hearing can't be the difference between classes of power stage when there isn't any that can be demonstrated.
  14. Check the actual width. I know old Trace combos had bespoke extra wide cases as the cabinets were much wider than the regular amp cases. Also check there is a lid on the amp, it's mostly extra weight when inside a combo box so may be nothing there!
  15. Except that afaik nobody has found anyone who can tell the difference when blindfolded and given the same preamp on the same rated output amps running clean. Both A/B and D sound like bottom when pushed past clean. Quid pro quo, it's all in the preamp.
  16. Let's see if I have it. Appliances all nominally 230v these days. UK power nominally 230v but actually 240v +13V / -24V so somewhere between 253V and 216V. EU power nominally 230 V and coming out of wall between 248V and 207V. So if an older UK device was meant for 240V but getting 207V it would be 33V under which is almost 14%, might be a problem? And a modern 230V appliance in UK could be getting 253V up it with no problems.
  17. That's the problem right there. Ears get (mis)informed by eyes. If there's something missing when you have a true 800w amp at your disposal, it's not the amp. Agedhorse once explained it far better than I can. Basically with all that power it will quickly expose any limitations of the cab. The OP should read 'Nobody makes a preamp I like on any micro amp I tried'.
  18. GenzBenz went to a great deal of trouble to placate the people in who swore up and down the new D amp was a poor imitation the ''real thing''. At the end of the day they couldn't tell any difference. Their opinions cost a lot of effort to show they didn't hold water. The engineers knew the new one had the goods and they could show the naysayers all the graphs of power output v frequency. That wasn't enough. They had to do a full on double blind trial to show there was no audible difference. Statements of opinions thrown out as facts tend to get pushback.
  19. A Trace Elliot Transit-B might be found used for 300€. All the toys and a tuner in one.
  20. If the amp is parting company with the cab then it's being thrown alright. One little chuck at a time.
  21. You probably want to confirm it's not the pedal or a dud lead before shelling out on a new adapter.
  22. My preference is for a bass break rather than bass solo. RHCP Otherside is very appropriate introducing the bridge refrain.
  23. Some of those vintage Accoustic rigs are selling for the silly big collector bucks in the US.
  24. The room may well have an A tuning that matches the boxes. Try unplugging the top cab. Try swapping the cabs top and bottom etc. If no amount of cab swapping and unplugging does anything but putting a pair of sock socks under the amp does you can be pretty sure the cabs have a resonance by default.
  25. I think it's unlikely a lack of physical capacity causes you to cramp. Much more likely you have been getting away with doing it all wrong until recently. An Alexander Technique teacher may be able to sort you out quite quickly. Or a bass teacher who is familiar. It's all about accomplishing an action with only the necessary muscle contractions, no extraneous tension.
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