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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. The reference I found says Norway and UK both on 230v 50hz. Maybe some dodgy power where you live in Norway?
  2. Diabolical is a pretty strong word. Agedhorse was in the thick of it when class D was becoming a thing for bass amps. Genz Benz were getting pushback from ''the market'' along the lines of your critique. So they put the new preamp into a pair of boxes, one of each power stage, A/B and D. Nobody could tell a blind bit of difference.
  3. That's all a bit different from the OP who seems to only accumulate. I buy the odd bass and sell the odd bass also, only stuff I haven't had a go on and want to try. If a bargain comes up I jump on it and it's no trouble to offload without taking a loss. The latest is pretty much 'the one'. It may stay or it may go. 'It's a bit heavy' is the only complaint, otherwise I seem to be covered. A better upright would be nice if I was flush. As for the OP, I would say the time to stop accumulating is long gone when a bunch only rate a mention in passing.
  4. Get a couple of half size well braced 2x10 boxes made and remount the drivers. Wham, bam, portable rig for relative pennies.
  5. This reminds me. Always examine which way your gear pumps the air. If not careful one bit winds up drawing in the warmed exhaust of the other(s). An amp even sucks on its own sometimes. It's possible to rack up a set of gear that gets hotter and hotter as you go up the rack if you get it really wrong.
  6. Some Markbass have oddball fx loops that don't allow them to just use the power amp return.
  7. Yup. You found a combo that works. Life is good when it all comes together. Change one thing and it goes to hell in a handbasket.
  8. I would say desperate to be not wrong and too stupid to realise he's about to lose a customer if he doesn't admit the wrong doing.
  9. Mathematically it is easily observable. Power is proportional with voltage². The voltage average increases with distortion while the peaks are clipped. Hence the lower average same peak voltage undistorted signal plotted over time has less power. If solid state and valve amps have the same clean RMS rating there won't be any difference in loudness until the valve amp is cranked past its clean rating. Cranked tubes usually sound nice with high levels of distortion while cranked transistors often struggle. Some famous SS amps have done a good job of overdriven tones. Some even do it in the power stage. So it's not a perfect rule but safe to say a lot of extra clever electronics is between the bass preamp and the final output when an overdriven solid state amp doesn't sound like derrière, but you could get a useful tone out of your grandma's old tube gramophone amp.
  10. Depends on the exact nature of the Darkglass drive. If digging in hard can get it to do it a little and it compresses but generally stays clean then you could find clean boost works ok for you albeit with loss of headroom, which could be no bad thing.
  11. Ordinarily, for a 210, sure, but the one in the photo is a Barefaced with one woofer low passed. For a personal monitor I doubt it matters. The bigger problem might be the forward kick off the wall increasing.
  12. 'Walk shorts' were the fashion here in the 70's into the 80's. Tailored shorts almost to the knees, accompanied by football length calf covering dress 'walk socks', and dress shoes. Go figure.
  13. You could always turn the cab up tall.
  14. Here was me thinking my jazz band plays legit written down scores to packed halls, we must be doing something wrong.
  15. Mesa had a long survey and think and found a rich vein of sales in the improved 800+. They charge a pretty penny for it too. One would hope they weren't all about fashion when they did it. In my case my HPF lives on my board. Very handy for showing up to unknown backline provided gigs and instantly having the best 5 string tones available instead of what I can cobble up from the EQ.
  16. You will be lucky to find one, what with Mesa abandoning Europe until component supply chain issues resolve. I watch the classifieds here for entertainment and don't recall any 800+ for sale. You could try your luck with a Wanted advert. If set on the general tone you could get the Subway pedal and a Vong HPF/LPF to go into a Quilter bass block or any other neutral power stage micro amp that works from the fx return.
  17. You are correct for the most part but Fender/Squier have made the odd booboo tagging things that patently aren't P basses as such.
  18. There's no versus. Readers hang with non readers all the time. Some readers can't. So what? For a little while I was a non bass reader hanging with readers. I could snatch the gist of it off the dots and jam the rest. The main advantage I had was being able to follow the score for the repeats and codas.
  19. None of which has any bearing on a guitarist showing up winging it badly at rehearsal when the YouTube version was emailed weeks back.
  20. Shows and functions and the odd what cover's next?...1234 jam.
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