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Everything posted by Downunderwonder
That's what monitors have to do when there are FOH subs and the overall house volume is limited. Stage LF makes a mess of FOH LF. The only way to have significant LF on stage along with SUBS is in a huge venue. The smaller venues I play it's a whole lot easier just going for gold on stage with a vocal PA like the good old days.
Can I run my Mark Bass LM3 with no load?
Downunderwonder replied to ossyrocks's topic in Repairs and Technical
Same goes for virtually all non valve amps, ie Solid State amps without power tubes. There are a very few vintagey solid state amps that employed output transformers similar to the valve amps they were replacing. Maybe a few 'throwbacks' as well. If you have one of those you should know it always needs a cab on it. -
Eat more oily fish. Nix sugar. Avoid alcohol as far as possible.
Doesn't everyone look at the gig pictures before reading the posts?
In my vocabulary ''bass face'' denotes an unconsciously contorted face generally way unbecoming of the bass playing owner occasioned by the thralls of rocking out. What's all the fuss?
It would be smarter just to list the same stuff everyone all the same at 1.01£ less.
So not your regular face then? That's good.
Mouthy drunk mouthing off at the band = 'what evr dude'. I can't remember ever getting into a reasoned discussion with one. If 'hey man you've had a good night it's time to sex and travel home now' doesn't work voluntarily the door staff are only too happy to make it happen.
A couple of little tricks for the uninitiated in blind jams... If the guitarist is experienced he may walk you into the next chord with a little flourish. If he isn't but you know there is a change coming and aren't too sure what it is you can walk yourself in your head in advance to know what it is and land it like you knew it. If you really haven't a clue it's better to skip the 1 and rejoin on 2 like you meant it. Try to finish together. A good drummer will help you if you make eye contact and a little nudge. One more for the advanced jammer.. if you're playing with a Sth American lot and they break into a massive jam and it's so dense with beats that you can't find your place you can still have the time of your life.... Find the hot chick on the dancefloor whose hips are moving the best and play along with those, within the chords of course, and you will be spot on. You will know you have got it right when the hips go into overdrive.
There is an intermediate zone where you can play what you hear in your head. I am not quite there but further than most I think. It comes from jumping in the deep end being house bassist for a whole lot of 'bar party jams' and playing a shed load of arpeggios in all keys on the violin in a previous life.
The law of diminishing returns, Tonewood and other folly’s
Downunderwonder replied to tegs07's topic in General Discussion
One could also argue that the price of used ones goes some way to underpinning the price of the new ones. Same with crazy high priced Fender Custom Shop offerings. -
You'll get way more volume from a 2nd cab with that amp than you would from trying to squeeze every last bit out of the one cab with a bigger amp.
While a lot of smoke isn't necessarily doom, the situation with the agent would put it in the too hard basket for me. Plenty of mini amps could be strapped on to replace the burned up original.
I'd be surprised if there wasn't a pukka matching 210 for the combo seeing it comes with extension jack and a mess of wattage.
Sign writing vinyl may be available in Tortishell if you ask at a sign shop.
Almost true. Stacks of rack gear are vulnerable to one unit pushing while the others pull and recycling occurs.
B for B. 0 for the lowest one. Not sure about the 2H but I believe he's talking about 2nd Harmonic, of something.
You're not telling me anything I don't know. I would have said if they were ported. The cabs were subjected to over excursion somehow. Lots of power applied to too low of a range of frequencies, innit?!!!
You are going around in circles. I said sealed cabs were blown up by too much low end. You claimed nonsense yet offered no other possibility.
How else do you crease drivers in a sealed cab?
It's all in the archives of talkbass. 810's were being blown up left and right for a few years with creased cones from over excursions. The only way you can do that is with way too much power too low.
Some amps do that and more but then they tell you it's 1000w when it's really 200 and change. You need to have a play sending low volume sines from your phone to your cab. Keep the voltage constant and small or you will hurt things. If you send just enough to get a clearly audible 160hz then change only the frequency to 80 hz it will probably drop off a little in volume. Then it will fall right away at 40hz and vanish at 30hz. I did all that with my Trace cab and got a helluva fright. I turned it up enough to hear what I thought was 30hz. I changed to 60hz and about jumped out of my skin with the racket that sounded curiously the same as the '30hz' I had just 'not heard', it was distortion overtones of 30hz. The power of the sine signal is independent of the frequency but our ears are less sensitive down low. Look up Fletcher Munson curves of equal loudness. Cab response massively worse watt for watt also. To reproduce one cycle the speaker cone must fly further as frequency decreases, or else slower. Hence big power and tough speakers are needed to get really low heard. The tougher you make the speaker the more it costs and the less well it works in the more interesting frequencies. Traditionally we made music with cabs that were ok to very good at 80hz and up with 4 string basses. Then came wide use of 5 strings and whole lot of marketing baloney. The thump you feel in your chest when big systems are pumping you full of bass? Centered at 80hz. Bass guitar commonly highpassed at 50hz or more.
Best gigbag-friendly mini amp as backup in case of main amp issues
Downunderwonder replied to Clarky's topic in Amps and Cabs
Agedhorse can tell you tales of woe, resurrecting amps fubar'd by knockoff speakons. -
Lack of market direction. GK even briefly went the other way with a '5 string' button that goosed the lows. Many a 810 was blown up by guys expecting the same B string jollies as they got with a low E. The low E they were used to hearing didn't actually have audible 40hz in it. Shoving a whole lot of 30 and 60hz at the situation only killed drivers.
There used to be the odd amp bereft of a 'rumble filter'. Not these days. Past rumble you get into stuff that could be audible if there was massive subwoofer system included. That stuff is what the Thumpinator catches. If bass EQ is boosted those frequencies can do a number on your bass cabinet. Further up it's almost a matter of taste except a whole lot of people agree that wobbly low end detracts from the overall sound. Bonus points for being able to actually use the bass knob and more for at the same time not blowing up your speaker if you want to get loud. HPF ftw.