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Everything posted by basse_groove

  1. Maybe you can install the octaver before your comp.
  2. For your information, This is the return of Dunlop Tech : Analog Octave effects can seem to have tracking issue if you are not familiar with how they work and do not know the tricks to using them. The cause has to do with the way the pedal tracks the signal and the physics involved with stringed instruments. The M288 actually tracks the signal extremely well but can have difficulty distinguishing the fundamental note from the harmonics if the harmonics become louder than the fundamental. When you play a note on the guitar you are not hearing just one note. What you are hearing it the fundament note along with the harmonics. If you play a sustained note and listen, you'll notice that the harmonics will rise and fall as they decay. You can hear this as a subtle tonal change even though the fundamental note remains the same. When the harmonics become louder than the fundamental note itself the octave effect will jump between the fundamental and the harmonic causing a warble type sound as it tries to track whichever is loudest. I've listed some tips to working around this below... 1.) Try to decrease the harmonics as much as possible before the octave effect. Using fingers rather than a pick, switching to the neck pickup, and turning the tone on the guitar down can all help to reduce the harmonics. 2.) Some areas of the fret board can be more trouble than others, exactly where can differ between instruments. You may need to experiment with playing notes in different locations to avoid these areas. 3.) New strings will aggravate this issue as they tend to bring out the harmonics. Older strings typically track better than brand new ones. Best regards, Jon
  3. Hello, I get out this old post, I encounter the same problem mentioned in the subject line. I have tracking problems on the ground strings. The problem seems to diminish with after 10 minutes of play. Did you identify the problem and find a solution? Thank you
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