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Everything posted by ash_sak

  1. [quote name='arthurhenry' post='748323' date='Feb 17 2010, 12:39 PM']I don't see a stream of colours when I'm playing or listening. It's just that each note has an inherent colour and as mentioned above, character for me. It dosn't bother me at all - it's "just there."[/quote] I think the non-synaesthesiacs like to imagine it to be much more of a psychadelic experience (at least, i know i do). So long as it doesn't bother you though then that's good. I still advise you read Musicophilia, it's a pretty damn good book (That goes for everyone)
  2. [quote name='arthurhenry' post='748297' date='Feb 17 2010, 12:23 PM']Do you see notes as colours? I've spoken to other musicians who do and some who don't have a clue what I'm on about! For me: E is yellow F Grey F# Sandy G Green G# Greeny turquoise A Browny red A# Dark grey B Blue C Green C# Bluey turquoise D Red D# ?[/quote] That is quite cool, to me anyway but at the same time i dont have it so it might be an annoying affliction. If you wanna read about it then either check out synesthesia online or read Musicophilia - Oliver Sacks (great book)
  3. Whatever this ends up being I still believe in Basschat, the manner in which this is being sorted is adding to it's integrity in my mind.
  4. [quote name='civictiger' post='739402' date='Feb 8 2010, 09:04 PM']Hey guys Does anybody have a reasonable spec Laptop that my band can use you Live Gigs, we really need one as everything we have tried concerning backing tracks (panning, using l and r channels, splitting the signal e.t.c) all has failed and we are in desperate need for having a laptop that e can use to run software from for our live gigs. Everything on it will be wiped and will be used just for Live purpose only. It doesnt need to be top spec, just be decent enough to handle a song with 3 tracks playing with no skips.. and must be reliable It must have a charger battery, and is possible the charger lead, too We will be much appreciated if anybody has an old one lying around collection dust.. I will be more than happy to pay £10 to cover postage cost and a bit of your time for looking. If anybody does find an old one they have, then PM me with a picture of it and we can talk over PM's.. if you can send me a PM with the make/model too so it would be easy to check online the specs quickly enough. I know its a lot to ask for, and we are not sure if we will get any replies, but we have spent a lot of money on mixers, D.I boxes and leads and we have been un successful so far because the click track and other audio spills onto the tracks we dont need it on.. and recently my friend shown me how he does it in his band so a laptop would go down nicely. thanks a lot.. it is so much appreciated![/quote] I can't help with the laptop but, unless i'm missing somethiing here, can't you just use an mp3 player? (i think i've seriously missed the point of what you're looking for, n i hope this doesn't distract from your request)
  5. I honestly have something of a scared look on my face... whoa.
  6. I can't claim specifics but i thought've thought something to boost the mids, dependsing on how you're doing it. I'm in a band with me on bass n my friend on various instruments (inc. drums at times) n i tend to do chords so you gotta boost the mids otherwise it leaves a massive gap in the sound.
  7. [quote name='Buzz' post='738939' date='Feb 8 2010, 02:03 PM']I don't think it was amazing, however, the Superbowl gig is a bit of a special case isn't it? Not only is it a short set, but you're performing from the middle of a field to a stadium full of people. It's not what you'd call an ideal gigging venue is it?[/quote] That's a very fair point, it did seem very excessive but then again so does a lot of the superbowl.
  8. [quote name='2wheeler' post='738640' date='Feb 8 2010, 02:00 AM']They weren't that great but they had fun and they played their part in the main event. It's a bit of an odd gig, playing the Super Bowl half time.[/quote] The medley they played, i can see why they did those songs (they're popular n all of that) but it just didn't work for me, they very much seemed like they were cut n pasted together. Plus was it just me or was Townshend's guitar also having tech. problems n it seemed like someone was singing out of time?
  9. [quote name='Doddy' post='738634' date='Feb 8 2010, 01:28 AM']First of all...half time, Saints 6-Colts 10 I wasn't blown away with The Who at half time,but Pino was playing an interesting bass. It appeared to be an unbranded (no name on the headstock-but probably Fender) Precisionwith a pair of humbuckers( I think they were chrome covered T-Bird pickups). It sounded really cool-nice and fat. Quick update....... Saints 16-Colts 17[/quote] Looked Fender to me but that could be any number of basses. N yeah the Who really weren't that great. I'm starting to think they should quit now, Townshend reminded me of Van Morrison...(which i dont think is the look he wants)
  10. I mmight've missed any comments somewhere in the forray up there but does anyone know how this gig went? (just out of interest, i dont wanna slag it off or pas judgement or anything, i just wanna know if she pulled it off in the end)
  11. just tell the other bands to go acoustic. it'd be a great test of their ability.
  12. Sounds like a great plan to me. I'd offer my equipment for people to borrow but it's far from anything special. I'd be happy to help with promo. if there was something i could do.
  13. can't help you with a machine but you might wanna post this onto 'Items wanted'.
  14. I remember trying to buy a Boss loop pedal last year, ordered from Dolphinmusic before christmas. It didn't arrive till after my birthday, i think it was, in march. during that time the price rose about 70quid, which prevented me from cancelling the order. I think 2nd hand is the way to go for most things nowadays, Basschat it.
  15. I haven't ever had to do it myself but i imagine face to face could help prevent any unwanted comments afterwards.
  16. We Couldn't Think Of A Name So This Will Have To Do... or the nice abbreviation 'Name'. Catchy, yet with soul...
  17. [quote name='karlthebassist' post='676142' date='Dec 6 2009, 09:07 PM']Like you can ever have too many basses! [/quote] Perhaps so but if you can make do with 2 basses for the moment then get an amp.
  18. As no one has suggested this yet, buy a pig. Compeltely unhelpful i am aware so i hope this doesn't distract from the topic at hand but it did spring to mind as soon as i read the title. One question, do you really neeed another bass if you have 2 Rickenbackers?
  19. Any chance someone could scan n upload the article in question please. Or would this be a major copyright infringement, i'd just like to know how they phrased the article for so many people not to understand it. (no offence intended i imagine i wouldn't be able to get my head round it either...hence my asking) thanks, though i understand if this isn't possible. Enjoy.
  20. Jam nights in Liverpool. Listening back to recorded tracks with other band members really loudly smiling with glee Improv. jamming amazing songs when it all just pulls together (though then forgetting them aint so great) Getting a real! encore (i.e. we didn't have friends in the crowd demanding it)
  21. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='637754' date='Oct 27 2009, 11:37 AM']Cheers! 3 down 1 to go... Will PM you later. Thanks![/quote] Thanks.
  22. I'll take one if it's still going. Ashok
  23. Does Hey Joe count as slow? Cause as much as it may be riff based it's really damn good.
  24. I used to live near Nantwich... wait, that was a week ago. A bit too soon to reminisce.
  25. Who bought it then?
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