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Everything posted by Lloyd80

  1. I stopped listening to metallica after St Anger came out, one listen and I hated it. I was a huge fan and seen them live. S&M was great and I disappear. I will even admit I liked some of the stuff off load and reload. Not every song but there were some good ones. But I agree with alot that's been said about JN. He was always pushed to the side in the band. It's a pity because if had been given the chance, he might still be a part of the band and the music the band produced would have continued to get better after the black album.
  2. I havent been playing bass that long but for me it's both. Slower songs generally fingers and pick for anything that my fingers cant keep up with. But it depends on the style of music as well.
  3. I can def second your thoughts on this! It's an always on pedal for me with a touch of OD as you say to warm the tone up. Not a very common one to pick up either now it seems.
  4. Also in Japan it's common practice for brokers not to stock the actual instruments. They post and price listings based on what they can purchase within Asia. I watched a program about it last year, cant remember what the program was though! 🙄
  5. My immortal - evanesence
  6. That bass looks like the one discussed here; https://www.talkbass.com/threads/help-identifying-a-mystery-bass-brand-please.1444645/?amp=1579989822
  7. They dont care about us - MJ
  8. Wake up little Susie - everly brothers
  9. For me its paranoid and some classical pieces.
  10. Thanks for the info. I have decided to keep the scale length. It will be a straight conversion at this point to see how I and it fairs! So far the new bridge, nut and tuners have arrived and I've deconstructed the cheap guitar and started sanding the body. The nut has been sanded to give it tight fit. All in all its started. I will post some pics this weekend! I promise.
  11. Peaches - Presidents of the USA Electric 6 for a good laugh! James - laid Beastie boys - sabotage or you've gotten fight Tooooo many choices!! Oh and Faith no more - epic
  12. I'm only wee so I've lived a life of downsizing 😂
  13. I may or may not have long hair in the early 90s. Post the hair spray time! 😂 I shall endeavour to visualise my inner Dave Effefson when it arrives !
  14. Make me a mix tape by the promise ring
  15. Oh I know that feeling 😂
  16. What's the going rate for a kidney these days? I mean mine would be considered well used 😂. I've just completed my shopping list with a new bass that should arrive friday. A good deal I couldn't pass up. Plus all the bits for my conversion. So as for my list it's currently empty but I doubt it will stay that way ! And the bank balance, if I dont look at it does that count as having enough ?
  17. Well as I was perusing evilbay as you do and being a liver of the short scale this popped up on my google search at ridiculously low price. Ah a 15% off voucher. So for the princely sum of £133 I should have a new bass on Friday !!! Here's the link as there is one left just in case anyone wants one. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Jackson-Minion-JS1X-Concert-Bass-Maple-Neck-Snow-White-/372716273078?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292 And the ebay voucher was; PLAYWITH15 I shall obviously post pictures when it arrives with my thoughts. Cant wait !
  18. Tha is Matt, the 30.6" would have been perfect but alas out if stock!! Damn it! Parts should start arriving over the next few days.
  19. And this is why I love this forum!!!!!😂
  20. I forgot that part. Increasing scale length changes fret distance. As it's my first proper conversion and it will just be for me. I think keeping the scale length is probably easier lol.
  21. Hi all building experts! So I have an itch to build/convert something into a bass. I have a little experience as I converted a tenor guitar into an uke bass fitted with nice labella silverback strings (highly recommended for any uke bass owners). It sounds awesome and this has given me the itch to do a bigger project. So after looking on pinterest I came across many a stratobass conversion. About 2 weeks ago I picked up a cheap gear4music strat that I was considering just refurbishing and selling. It needs a fair bit or clean up and the body needs to have the finish redone. But after all that it probably wont sell for much. So I binned that idea. So its bass conversion time! I'm looking at keeping the scale length if possible, I know this may have intonation issues. So I might move the bridge back to a scale of around 28 inches. I'm doing this to gain some experience and to have something to noodle around on the sofa with. I've sourced tuners, nut and pickups. The only bridge I found that would replace the original without any pickguard mod was a SX short scale. I cant find anyone that sells them online. Has anyone got any tips, advice or wisdom to share ?
  22. I'm now craving a Maccy Ds 😂
  23. I'd say yes!!!!!
  24. So as I am on a break and I was thinking back to my early days gigging with a band. I remembered how many musicians I met that were quite talented. I used to only play the drums and have only recently picked up the bass. But in my younger years I tried and failed at picking up another instrument. I could play a few songs on the guitar but that was it. As of now only I only play the drums and bass. I can still knock a few songs out on the guitar...badly and play a few melodies on the ivories but nowhere near the level that I would consider myself able to play them. One thing I have noticed is how my musicianship has definitely improved with age. I no longer give up easily. But I was also thinking do some instruments just suit certain people. For me I found the drums easy. Would love to hear your stories and opinions basschatters!
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