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Suburban Man

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Everything posted by Suburban Man

  1. Hi Dan, well if it really is only 7kg then I'll buy it please. I'm up in NW London - Uxbridge Where are you? Nick
  2. Hi Dan, what weight is the retro 1x10 please? Could you stick it on a set of scales and let me know? many thanks Nick
  3. Hi John, In typical fashion, someone else has just made me an offer for it. Can I let you know if that falls through? Sorry about that And yes, I would package it up if necessary Nick
  4. Well if you got it from a guitar spares shop then the chances are that its the right value. 47k would be 47,000pf which is correct. If it was 474,000pf then its ten times too large a value.
  5. If you remove the capacitor altogether you should find that the tone control ceases to work. If it is still acting like a volume control then the spare tag has got earthed, or the wiper is being earthed somehow. You could try swapping the tone control connections so that the wire to the tip goes from one of the outer tags and the capacitor that goes to earth is soldered to the centre tag. If the capacitor was the wrong value then that would also 'mute' the output, like say if it was 0.47 instead of 0.047
  6. Apologies to all those of you for whom I'm stating the bleedin' obvious, but having seen comments on other threads about online sound quality there is a major difference between what works as a live sound and what works in an online feed - with or without video. Apart from any number-crunching that your application may do which renders your in-house mix somewhat restricted in dynamics you also need to mix in the magic of 'Atmos'. In other words if you take a PA feed directly off your mixing desk and use it online with no alteration, it will sound very flat. The additional ingredient that you need is to add in a couple of 'Atmos' mics. Ideally these are omni's set up in the rafters of your venue. They will only go into the online mix where they will add in the sound of your adoring crowd applauding and singing along to your songs (aka congregation if you are a worship band). They also add in the room reverb of the venue - which is what makes it sound as if you are playing live in a particular place, rather than in a studio somewhere. They may also pick up a few comments that you didn't want the world to hear, so that's why you want to put your atmos mics up high, or at least as far away as is humanly possible. Annoyingly, although a bit is vital, too much atmos will muddy up the sound something rotten - so play carefully folks.
  7. If the length of the cable is less than half a metre then the core size is likely to be fine, its more about finding a nice robust outer and connector, so a mains-rated cable in a circular jacket is a good choice and should fit easily into the DC connector. For 0.5mm core wire the resistance per metre is something like 0.035 ohms so it isn't going to affect your PSU voltage until you start using a few hundred metres of cable.
  8. If your mixer is a Behringer Eurodesk then there are lots of options for picking up a feed from a 1/4" jack output. Main outs Control room outs Aux sends (4) Sub-group outputs (4) I think that the 1/8" jack on the Tascam DR07 is actually a line input so any of the above should give about the right recording level. If you're just wanting to record the rehearsal for reference then main outs are easiest and don't forget to add lots of reverb to the mix, otherwise it'll sound like you were all singing straight into each other's ears from about 2" away... good luck!
  9. Like DAD says about listening while 'not standing just in front', tweeters are very directional, unlike your 12" speaker, so if you switch the tweeter on you may end up focussing a lot of HF sound somewhere you can't hear it, but other people can. Step away from the speaker a bit and listen at wherever the tweeter is pointing to appreciate what it may be doing. PS This is why some cabs can be tilted - you won't hear the output of your tweeter if it is pointing at your knees
  10. This is essentially a Little Mark 250 Black Line head coupled to a 151P cabinet without the tweeter. Used sparingly in a Church setting, so well looked after and in excellent cosmetic condition The 250 Black Line will put out 150W @ 8 ohms and 250W @ 4 ohms The combo is set up to push the 150 W through the 1x15 cab. Weighs in at just over 16kg Dimensions - its a 48cm cube (ok its not exactly that but in the Roqsolid cover its close enough).
  11. I know that I'm entering the world of 'shutting the door after the horse has bolted' here, but I loved reading through this thread. Great to see all the pictures as the project developed. I've built a number of studios professionally, so if anyone is interested the key to getting really solid walls is different thicknesses of board - ideally plasterboard, fixed back to back. So something like one 12.5mm sheet directly attached to a 9mm sheet. Double that up each side of a batten wall, take care not to have co-incident joins and you can get quite impressive insulation. The weak point is always the door (or window if you have one). Almost impossible to get better than 20db isolation with a single leaf door. Double doors are the answer if you have enough space, or a neat 'bung' as used in the above design!
  12. Pretty much anything that is streamed has been reduced to a minimum number of bits to squeeze it down the pipes of the internet. Ditto if you listen to DAB radio, or Internet radio. I would suggest that its fine to browse, but not so great to 'listen' - you just won't ever get wide dynamic range because of the delivery format. If you want a good listening experience then its CD, vinyl or an FM radio station that hasn't been Optimoded to destruction.
  13. Phantom power boxes are fairly easy to come by on ebay if you don't want to have to use batteries. Its just like using an external PSU - but a bit neater. One like this : ARTcessories Phantom III is up for sale at the moment
  14. Now SOLD, thanks 


  15. Thanks. Slightly broader than most of the Ibanez I've owned, and better feel as far as I'm concerned
  16. For sale is an Ibanez headless (EHB) 1000 in Pearl White with Ibanez gig bag. Some additional bits and pieces like allen keys, straplocks also. The bass is in excellent cosmetic condition and has been carefully maintained The neat string clamp at the headstock means that you don't have to use double ball end strings, but can put whatever you want on it. Currently strung with roundwound LaBella, but I've used flatwound successfully as well. BT2 pickups, active electronics if you want to use them, otherwise it will work perfectly ok passive Some nice touches like a locking output jack, fully adjustable saddles so you can alter string spacing as well as adjust for correct intonation Very lightweight contoured body - a tad over 3kg Any questions please ask. Pickup from Uxbridge area preferred, but I'll package and courier it if necessary for £20
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