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Wayne Firefly

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About Wayne Firefly

  • Birthday 13/01/1972

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  • Location
    North Wales

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  1. I just picked a gen 1 up, thinking of the decal route myself.
  2. I have a green one, it's good to know it's easy to sort a replacement neck if needs be !!
  3. Got sets of Silver Slaps on my cheapo beater and my Sparkleking, just gone to look at a new set, price up from £125 to £175 ish !!! Looking at Supernils now for my beater, anyone got any honest reviews or advice ? I've had Presto / Eurosonic ultralights and like them but I fancy trying Supernils.
  4. We have a Samson XM910 powered mixer/pa head and may get some decent active pa cabs to cut down on weight/size/hassle etc. We sold the giant, hernia inducing Peavey cabs we had and before I search for a passive mixer, I was wondering if we could line out from our little pa head into active cabs, bypassing the internal power stages and just using it as a mixer. If we need monitoring in future, we can use the power section for those and line out to the active foh cabs. Is this at all possible or am I going mad ?
  5. Superb stuff !!! Cheers !!!
  6. Found it. March 1992 copy of Guitar World. I would LOOOOVE one of those. My grail Ibz.
  7. With the state of the world right now, we have a plan to nip out and do some guerrilla busking gigs with our 3 piece rockabilly style band. Guitar, double bass, stand up kick and snare on a strap, 3 vocals. Streets, pub beer gardens etc. We were thinking of a single 15'' cab, class D, 500 watts-ish, rechargeable etc to run bass, guitar, 3 vocals. We are thinking Sansamps for the guitar and bass. What are the best examples best suited to our needs ? Anyone got any ideas ?
  8. Anyone remember this old Trace Elliot advert ? Old stuff like this made quite an impression on me back then !!! Anyone got a better scan of it ?
  9. Unchain the night, cos tonight's the night, everything's gonna be alright, so lets fight the fight, Im a prisoner of love so put the blame on me, Im a victim of circumstance, but the night's on fire, in chains of love, and so on.
  10. I remember someone who had the bass... a red one.... back of the neck was shaped like a 20p piece..... make your own conclusion !!
  11. Im not going to make jokes about wooden balls
  12. To hell with them !!! 'Its for the dog'.......
  13. I may just do that !! I love ideas that are outside the norm but are so simple. Its all, 'Why didnt I think of that !!'
  14. Brilliant !!
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