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Everything posted by basswesty

  1. [quote name='YouMa' post='426471' date='Mar 5 2009, 05:15 PM']Maybe if any of you guys have a problem with stewarts playing,you could call robert macaull otherwise known as "The Equalizer".[/quote]
  2. If you get a Compact you won't need any other cabs. I've just got rid of a full stack for ONE Compact. Trust me its loud enough for most gigs. I work with a very loud drummer and even louder guitarist. One cab is enough for that. (Still might get another though just cause...)
  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='425372' date='Mar 4 2009, 06:05 PM']Maybe. Copeland don't groove, and he speeds up.[/quote] Copeland doesn't hold speed well at all but then again there are recordings where you can hear Sting shouting 'FASTER' Saw them in 2007 though. Good gig.
  4. I've decided to go for this now. Had a couple of nice offers one in particular very nice offer that I am seriously considering.
  5. PM's replied to.
  6. Right here goes. Still mulling this over a little bit but I'm interested to see what trades would be on offer for this. I had this from fellow chatter SammyDamacy. Its a really nice bass, sounds great, looks great, very comfortable to play with a nice action but I have a Jazz already and I'm kind of preferring the other one, and my P bass, to this. It had one very small chip on the bottom not far from the bridge but I have touched it up with some of the wife's nail varnish and you can hardly see it now. No other marks on it. If I decide to go for it I would be looking for a USA Fender P or possibly a Lakkie P but I'll see what you have. Not really into active basses but if it switches to passive I'll consider it. Thanks for looking and PM me with your trades. I really must get something for this GAS.....
  7. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='423680' date='Mar 2 2009, 09:12 PM']I'm interested in these - a coupla questions if you don't mind...how long to wait for them and do they feel rugged enough for life on the road? (I'm not really a fan of that kind of finish but I'm willing to be swayed. [/quote] I waited about a month but you would have to check with Alex on that. Regarding the finish, I'm with you on that. Its not my prefered finish but it looks a lot better in the flesh and feels very hardy, I thought I could at least recover it if I didn't like it but I will be leaving it as it is. The cab is so light you may think it might break if you were to drop it but you wouldn't want to drop a full weight 4X10 either would you? In fact, as its so light I think it would stand the odd knock better than a heavier cab. It is so well braced however that I have no worries about this lasting a very very long time, it feels really sturdy. All in all the pros far outway the cons which are IMHO.......erm.......erm....its no good, I can't think of one. Anyone near the West Mids would be welcome to come and try it out but its live where this really does its thing.
  8. See review at top.
  9. Yes they are nice cabs. Our guitarist works for Laney and I have had the pleasure of trying all the Nexus cabs and both the heads. The heads are nice but have a few too many knobs and buttons on for my liking. As for the cabs, I had a Barefaced compact in the end. Smaller, louder, lighter and a better sound.
  10. Purchased mine from Soundslive. They ordered it from Fender Direct as it wasn't in stock. Arrived in A1 condition and, after a little tweaking, plays like a dream. I may have just been lucky though but I have not had any problems with Soundslive.
  11. Thanks for your feedback, if I was a good boy?
  12. No worries dealing with this 'chatter' very pleasant transaction. Thanks.
  13. Don't forget tonight if you're near Bolton...
  14. Tears for Fears, Badmans Song. Some Pino niceness.
  15. [quote name='Prosebass' post='417377' date='Feb 23 2009, 01:24 PM']And they will tell the local premises what you did and you are stuffed all round. Just put it down to experience and move on.[/quote] Thats fine as there is nowhere else to play anyway. Its poor on the gig front round our way.
  16. Sorry to hear that Mark, Its the busiest I've seen that pub in a long time too. What a T***ER. I wouldn't be going back myself but I would arrange a third, turn up, demand payment (before setting up), get payment and get back in the car stating you are owed it...
  17. Well, here is a small review following the first gig with My Barefaced Compact. I'll get some pics on here soon. I have gone from a full 600w amp into a 4X10 & 1X15 to a 300w amp, at 8 ohms and one cab...! I have played the venue before yet I felt that there was no difference in volume between the two set ups. I play in a Police tribute which has a very loud drummer and a guitarist that doesn't know how to turn down. In fact I could hear myself clearer with the Compact and it was on the floor, not tilted. The tone I can get is gorgeous. I used my passive P and J bass during the gig. The J in particular sounded amazing. Very clear, clean, warm and very powerful. My amp (PJB M-300) was set flat, the tone on the basses was all that was needed. The few effects I use sounded much clearer and refined than through my old cabs. And I still cannot believe how light this cab is. When it was delivered I thought Alex had forgotten the speaker. Thanks for the 14 day money back offer but I won't be needing it. Great cabs.
  18. Anyone near the Moses Gate this coming Friday (27th) Come and see The Undercover Police, and if you were wondering what The Compact sounds like then this will be the first outing for mine. Come and say hello.
  19. [quote name='silddx' post='415348' date='Feb 20 2009, 02:33 PM']Do you play the album version or one of his live versions? He plays it very differently on each live recording, I really like the Atlanta Synchronicity Concert version. Do you drop D or maybe you have a 5 string. I love playing it on a fretless, on headphones along with the record, with the lights off. Have you heard/seen the version on the new Certifiable DVD? Glorious![/quote] I did a bit of a mixture of the Atlanta version and the album version, in other words its the Atlanta version with a dropped D. I just thought it sounded nicer dropping to D. Its really nice to sing too.
  20. [quote name='silddx' post='415137' date='Feb 20 2009, 11:42 AM']Great number! I am perfectly happy to play along with Wrapped Around Your Finger all day and night. I adore that bassline.[/quote] I'm in a Police tribute band so we play em all but Wrapped is also one of my faves too.
  21. Pump It Up. Elvis Costello. Great fun. Driven To Tears, The Police
  22. Excellent. Great bass player. Very underrated in my opinion. I have watched your vid too by the way, spot on it is too, I love that bassline.
  23. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='412764' date='Feb 18 2009, 09:53 AM']Are you seriously suggesting that Fenders are the only passive jazz/precision type designs that are capable of being dynamic?[/quote] I am merely stating my opinion about fenders as that is what the thread is about. I also have a passive Yamaha (p/j pups) capable of the same 'dynamics' but we're not discussing Yamaha basses are we??? I was just agreeing with the previous post comparing Fenders to other makes. I personally get a lot of tone from where and how I play. I have owned many high end basses including custom builds and they sound great but I prefer the sound of passive pick ups. Maybe you should take the plunge and buy one!
  24. [quote name='kroogie' post='411694' date='Feb 17 2009, 08:23 AM']I`ve owned a lot of high-end basses like: Modulus, Fodera, Ibanez GWB, Warwick.... but I always come back to Fender. The sound of a passive Fender Jazzbass is more usable in most settings, in contrary to the basses metioned. The best thing with a good fender is that: What you put in you get out!! Sound is shaped with your fingers, and in my opinion Fenders are much more dynamic than most of the active basses I`ve owned. Hot preamps, kills the dynamics!! If you like dynamics-buy a Fender, if you like zzziiing- buy an high end bass![/quote] Oh, how true is that. There is sooooo much tone from [b]how[/b][i][/i] you play a fender. Its not just about plugging a playing.
  25. Listen listen and listen then listen some more through a good pair of cans. You'll be amazed at things you might have missed... They might be small but they might be really important.
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