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Leonard Smalls

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Posts posted by Leonard Smalls

  1. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1449662462' post='2925656']
    can't get this to play in soundcloud. Really bugging me. I need a cup of tea. :unsure: :rolleyes: :D
    sort it out mate......

    I've replaced the link just in case, but it works for me!
    Yer tis again:

    And Douglas tends not to like my more "tuneless" (or modal, as I call it :D) offerings, though this month we've got a drum solo and some Stevie Wonder-ish clavinet!

  2. Here's mine, with 3 basses (all Wal), keyboards and EZ drummer on beats... Don't forget to do your vogueing during the drum solo!


  3. I use a pedalboard, together with a rackmount multi FX and rack compressor.
    On the multiFX I have preset eqs so I can jump from clean to rock snarl to funk toppy sound to deep reggae tone accurately.
    Then the pedalboard is used for wah-ed Bootsy sounds with or without distortion (3 x envelope followers!), and the large pedal multi RX is mainly used for volume swells or manual wah.
    I think I just like twiddling with knobs...

  4. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1331616125' post='1575838']

    I remember dancing to this in Vogue night club[b]* [/b]in Chester, many a time.

    [b]*[/b]Great club for a time, in the early 1980s They didnt let in people [i]improperly dressed[/i]. I remember seeing two incredulous guys in suits get turned away for being dressed wrong, as a guy in a donkey jacket dirty jeans and doc martens wandered past without a look from the bouncers. Ahh bliss and karmic re payment for all the times it was the other way round. :)

    Vogue? Which one was that? (my memory's quite hazy from then!)
    I used to go to Roxy Bowie night at Angels and Friday/Saturday at Olivers with my Dave Sylvian haircut and German Army black jodphurs. :blush:

  5. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1447923881' post='2911447']
    Another problem I've just discovered after the latest IE update is that whenever I click on a topic or a sub-forum it asks if I'm sure I want to leave this page, as if it thinks I've typed some stuff in that I'd lose if I moved pages...

    However, I've just swapped to Microsoft's Edge browser and all the features seem to work.
    The only problem is that copying and pasting urls is much more difficult than it is in IE...

  6. The only way I can get IE to allow use of Quote is to click the reply window to highlight options, then click on the "toggle editing mode" button on the top right of the window to put it into basic mode.
    Then click on the Quote button.
    I've also found that unless I'm in basic edit mode a number of letters don't show - I have to type really, really slowly - and sometimes it causes IE to crash.
    Funnily enough, forums using BB software don't seem to have this problem...

  7. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1447879426' post='2911241']
    What would a tree sound like if it wanted to sing? I didn't want it to be a song because a tree would not sing a song. I wanted it to sound more organic than a song form so I improvised a theme with myself singing along to add that 'voice' to the sound. I think what I came up with reflects my idea so I am happy with the result.


    Surely the tree would use Electric Wood?

  8. It seems that there is a popular mis-conception that compression removes the ability to play more quieterer or more loudererer.
    It can do that. But it depends entirely on the settings you use!
    It can be very subtle - perhaps just increasing the attack of a note a tiny bit and smoothing out the sustain, or maybe compressing a small number of frequencies to make it sit better in a mix, or as I sometimes use it, to make just about every note have effectively the same level in order to trigger an envelope follower to give the appropriate Bootsy sound.
    What a compressor doesn't do is make a bad player good, or take away the ability of a player to play subtly. Some cheap compressors, often those built into amps, are very poor though and give little control and as a result are probably best not used!
    But using a compressor is no worse than using eq, or is it somehow cheating not to have all eqs flat?,
    Like just about everything bass-related, it's optional; it doesn't make you a better or worse person if you don't use it, and if you don't feel the need to that's fine!

  9. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1447411330' post='2907410']
    What is compression anyway?
    Can't really get my head 'round the description, to be honest.

    In its broadest form it's a means of reducing the dynamic range between the loudest and quietest sounds - an example of this is when you're watching the TV the adverts always seem (or used to, as some programmes do it now as well!) louder because they've been compressed. In other words they've made everything in the advert as loud as the loudest sound is allowed to be.
    This also happens with music mastering - the point being that most folks don't listen on quality kit so there's no point having decent hifi dynamic range for the latest offering from 1 Direction... There is, however, a lot of opposition to this from folks who want the technical quality to be as high as possible - google "Loudness Wars" for more info.
    In terms of individual instrument compression, it's a means of making an instrument sit more easily in a mix, whether live or recorded; it can either change the way the note attacks, or decays, or simply reduce its dynamic range. This doesn't necessarily make everything the same volume - that depends on where the threshold is set (i.e. where the effect comes in). Many can also be used as a limiter, which will set a ceiling for max level.
    Some fancy compressors can do compression at individual frequencies, which means you can cut through with mids more while leaving treble and bass the same...

  10. I've got a rackmount DBX dual band compressor which I use mainly into a 3 Leaf envelope follower and Qtron - it means I can get a wah-ed sound with every note. I've been know to use both bands with different settings for different FX, as different drives give different sounds. Then I'll amplify each separately for that sound that could easily be created with one simple keyboard...

  11. This is a bit less precise, and a bit more jazz ;)


    And trust Ornette to push the boundaries of what instrument you can play in jazz :)


  12. I use the 2i2 with Ableton 9, and it does use ASIO - don't use the MIME option as it's very glitchy.
    You'll need to take care with buffer settings as Gary says; there's a section in the help tutorial or in the on-line manual that explains how best to do it. Mine has very little latency.
    There is also a low latency option in the preferences section - I have that enabled as well.

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