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Leonard Smalls

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Posts posted by Leonard Smalls

  1. We played a seven band gig in Gloucester last night at the New Inn... As it's pedestrianised I brought fx and amp on a trolley from car park.

    We were on early, 2nd band, and I decided to use the supplied rig of Ashdown combo and extension speaker. My slightly overdriven Helix patch sounded most excellent into it - crunchy and satisfying with with enough twang to allow slaps'n'pops to cut through.

    It was the 2nd gig with our new guitarist, and this time there were no mistakes at all - we all played beautifully, including a once rehearsed Dead Kennedy's cover ("Moon Over Marin") to finish.

    There were no rotten tomatoes, no hostile crowd, nobody looking to give us a serious kicking for a change which was nice. A couple of people remarked on my bass (Parker) and said I didn't play completely craply! There was, however, a weird tree in the middle of the stage-front which meant only my trousers could be seen from most angles (look carefully!)


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  2. 1 hour ago, dclaassen said:

    the reference is to the "dancer" in front

    Surely you want folks enjoying the band and dancing around having fun?

    Last thing you want is everyone standing as far back as possible and not moving at all, unless you're doing free jazz when you'd be most happy to have your own Min Tanaka (check him with Derek Bailey!) to temper the surfeit of polo neck chin strokers!

    Or is only one type of dancing allowed, of the kind that doesn't draw too much attention to the dancer, like a dance equivalent to root-and-fifth?

    Perhaps I'll have to have a word next time we're in Hereford and those mosh-boys decide they want to do the can-can like last time...

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  3. 19 minutes ago, taunton-hobbit said:

    Mikey Dread

    I DJed once with him at The Warehouse in Leeds! Must have been 1984 - I did funky stuff to start, then he came and did his thing... 

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