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Leonard Smalls

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Posts posted by Leonard Smalls

  1. If you're just playing a slide show from Windows picture manager, or a looped video or similar, it's easy to project it from a laptop/notepad so long as it's got an HDMI output.
    Otherwise you'd need a projector with USB input.
    You've also got to think about how far from your screen the projector is going to be situated, and how much light there is likely to be.
    More light/further away means more powerful projector, which is more expensive. Frinstance, our village hall projector needed to produce a 5m image from 15m away. So we had to buy an Optoma at nearly £2k.
    But my home projector only needed to produce a 2m pic at 3m away, hence it was £700. You can get cheaper than that if you're not enormously worried about absolute image quality.

  2. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1430589959' post='2762959']

    I am just going to keep making a selection of noises till I like the sound of one , then run with it , add too much to it , and add enough finishing touches to hide the lack of quality in both the performance and production :lol:

    Mine's had its first roll in glitter.
    Next comes the 2nd coat, followed by some ribbon bows and one of those raffia pom-poms. Or maybe 2!

  3. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1430501387' post='2762146']
    I think I know what's coming.... :lol:

    I don't think you do! :gas:

    So far we've got bass (lots, though only 4 notes), drums (various!), keys (6!), some vocal samples and a large shed full of echo, plus a little bit of beatboxing... :facepalm:

  4. This festival is incredibly reasonably priced with a proper line-up including Sugarhill Gang, Wu-Tang Clan, Rolo Tomassi, Dutch Uncles, Basement Jaxx, Buzzcocks, and not confirmed yet but I've been assured it's happening, Dredd and the Badass Weeds (*) in an extremely rare appearance:


    * that's Keith from the Utahs, Andy from the New FADs, 2 Johns from the Snapdragons and Cassandra Crossing, and me. We'll show 'em what a band sounds like who rehearse once a year!

  5. You'll get good advice at either [url="http://www.hifiwigwam.com"]www.hifiwigwam.com[/url] or [url="http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/"]http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/[/url].
    As for changing the cartridge, that's an easy job so long as you're not too hamfisted; I've just put an Audio Note IQ3 on my Clearaudio and it sounds most excellent. You do, however, need a stylus balance - the Shure one is about £20 - and it's probably worth getting a powerful magnifying glass to check on your old cart as it may be OK. This website has plenty of set-up info:

  6. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1428855326' post='2745298']

    Reassure me... There is, at least, [i]some [/i]trombone..? :unsure:

    No 'bones, or wind of any sort (apart from the usual).
    Just bass, drums and piano. And of course, the high pitched whirring noise of Mussorgsky spinning in his grave!

  7. I made the mistake once of thinking everyone else thought "a jam" was the same as I did...
    My local pub used to have Jam Night on a Wednesday.
    So I bunged the Marshall with one cab in the back of the motor, then wheeled the half-stack into the boozer.
    It turned out that it was an open mic night, where everyone did their own little turn - mostly folky types with an acoustic! I was allowed by "the leader" (!) to play along with one of these people.
    However, many years ago I used to play in an 8 piece band (containing 3 horn players who used to play with Steve Lacy); we never rehearsed - just jammed on the roof of the drummer's studio in Shoreditch. It usually took 3-4 hours before the police told us to stop, which is surprising for those who know what Mr Lacy sounds like!

  8. [quote name='Andrej' timestamp='1428260978' post='2739718']
    I didn't particularly enjoy that video you shared lol


    Don't worry - Derek Bailey is a taste most people are fortunate enough (or not!) not to develop!
    Though that is Derek at his most "easy listening"; at that recording Jamaaladeen attempted to high five Derek and said "Hey Derek, let's funk!"
    The only time I saw Mr Bailey live was supporting Bill Laswell/John Zorn. The gig was him doing his trademark "pring, praaaang", with a dj who balanced records on coffee cups, and a keyboard player who played with his elbows.
    Which shows there's a market for just about anything, if it's done with a modicum of skill.

  9. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1428008421' post='2737085']

    Indeed, and then put it into action.
    (I am sure Lenny can accompany this with some of his Muse).

    I've been hacked!
    Somehow my work-in-progress has been stolen!
    All I had to add was the butt-tuba and cackling geese (chickens are soooo yesterday).

  10. The original composer might just about have recognised the first couple of bars - the rest would probably cause him to call Alexander 2's security police!
    Or mebbe, because there's no orchestra involved, he'd have been happy!
    And funnily enough, my mum, who taught me piano as a young 'un, had a piano teacher who was taught by Liszt himself... So I can call it payback.
    Though Liszt would probably have called the police as well!

  11. It's got a tune! Though it is kind of hidden.
    And I may be tempted to add a "Please Rise For Jimi" synth over the top...
    Or perhaps a recreation of the horrific scene heard from a public toilet in Chamonix 5 days after my climbing partner had taken 8 Arete tablets.
    I understand there's still bio-hazard warnings round that unfortunate convenience!

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